Hearts ratings for tiitinen
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Response: Jopas! Itselleni kävi niin, että sain molemmat tämän swapin kortit ja 11 muuta postikorttia viime perjantaina :D Postilla on tainnut vähän sotkeutua systeemit pääsiäisenä. Nuo minunkin kortit oli leimattu jo 30.3. :D
Response: I'm so happy to hear that you liked what I sent! =) Thank you for rating me! <3
Response: Thank you for rating me!
Response: Hi! I'm so happy to hear that you finally got it!! I was feeling a bit guilty as I sent it so much later than you. I'll be glad to send you more post cards and mint Marianne candies if we swap again later as we talked! =)
Response: I'm so glad that you got my ornament and liked it! =) Thank you for rating!
Response: I'm so happy that you liked them! =) Thank you for rating me!
Response: Jes ihanaa onnistuin lähettämään sinulle mieluisen paketin =) On aina vähän "Iiik!" saada suomalainen pari kun haluaisi että kaikki saa vähän eksoottisemman paketin eikä sitä mitä voi itsekin lähi-Alepasta käydä ostamassa =)
Response: Thank you for rating me! =)
Response: I'm so happy to hear that you liked them with your son =) Thank you for rating!
Response: Oi kun kiva kuulla että tykkäsit =) Sanomalehti on Japanista saatu - yritin saada pakettiin vähän eksotiikkaa ulkomailta kun nyt sait suomalaisen parin tuohon vaihtoon. Kiitos ratingista!
Response: Oh I'm so happy to hear that you liked them! =) Thank you for rating!
Response: Oh I'm so happy to hear that you finally got my packet! =) And it's nice to see that you liked those moomin stamps! I really love to use them :D This was also a good lesson for me about how to write addresses at the packets.. Thank you for swapping with me and rating! =)
Response: Oh I'm so happy to hear that you liked it! =) I really like moomins too so I love to send packets with moomin items and surprises! :D Thank you so much for this swap and ratings!!
Response: I'm so happy to hear that you liked the packet and stamps! :) Thank you for rating!
Response: I'm so happy to hear that you got them! :)
Response: Thank you for letting me know that you got it and thank you for rating! :)
Response: I'm so happy about our swap too! Thank you! :)
Response: Oh great! First I was thinking to choose something else but here in Finland licorice is so popular that I decided to send it. Everybody don't like licorice but now I'm happy that I did send it for you! :D
Response: Thank you for the swap and rating me! :) I'll let you know (and rate of course) when I get your packet ;)
Response: Thank you so much for swapping with me and rating me! :)