Swap-bot Time: January 30, 2025 12:12 am

Setup your Swap

Complete the form below to start your Swap.

Give your swap a name

Enter creative and unique name that clearly identifies your swap.


What type of swap is this?

Swaps can be E-mail, Letter or Package.

Type 1: Electronic - internet-based swaps, email, messages, links, digital photography, etc.
Type 2: Flat mail - postcards, letters, mail swaps with little, to no, craft component.
Type 3: Crafts & Packages - any time-intensive craft swaps, any swaps sent in packages, most swaps will fall in this category.

Describe your swap

Give a full description of this swap. HTML is not allowed, use Markdown syntax for formatting.

How many?

How many swap partners will each participant have?

Rating filter

Are there any rating requirements for users joining your swap?

  • Manual rating filter
  • Automatic rating filter
    • Lowest rating allowed:
    • Allow users that have not yet been rated

Is this swap public?

Can anyone search for and join this swap? Answering "no" requires a password.

If you answered "No", please enter the password required to join the swap.

When is the last day to sign up?

Enter the date the participants can no longer signup for your swap. The names and addresses of swap partners are sent on this day, too.

When is the last day to send your items?

Enter the date that swap items must be sent by.

Swap Location

Mark your swap as International or limit it to a specific region. If you create a regional swap you must ensure your participants belong to the specified region - Swap-bot does not do that for you.

Do you have a Swap Homepage?

Often, Swaps have their own page outside of Swap-bot. This can be as simple as a blog post or as extravagant as the Swap's very own website. A Swap Homepage is not necessary to host a successful Swap (Swap-bot provides everything you need). If you do have a Swap Homepage, please enter the link below.

Pick Categories

You can pick up to three categories that this swap best fits into. Control+click to select multiple categories.

Upload a Swap graphic

If you have created a Swap graphic, you can upload it now. If you want to create one later, you can upload it then. The graphic can be no bigger than 200x200 pixels.

Create Swap

Click the "Edit Swap" button below to update your swap.