Ladies and gentlemen,
on a lot of people with a vivid imagination and high creativity gather to exchange art, thoughts and experiences. But why do we stick to our reality? Why not imagine a whole new world...
What it's all about
You write a letter (min. 2 pages) to one partner and tell about your life after/during a fictitious event.
If enough people join in the first round, I'll make it a monthly swap. Every month there will be a new topic you'll write about in your letter.
The topics / fictitious events
You will write somebody and tell that person of the latest events due to a fictitious significant change in our world.
These are the upcoming events:
- April: Imagine a world... with animals and humans being able to talk and understand each other!
- May: Imagine a world... after a peaceful encounter with extraterrestrial life / aliens!
- June: Imagine a world... with all fairy tale characters living among us!
- July: Imagine a world... during a zombie attack!
The letter
1) Introduce yourself.
2) Write about what's happened recently and not IF it was just an imagination or vision for the future! You tell your partner about your fictitious daily life, experiences and happenings due to this significant event.
Example: You imagine a world with fairy tale characters living among us - now you tell about the quarrel you had with Cinderella at the supermarket yesterday; about the disappointing date with Prince Charming at a fast food restaurant two weeks ago; about the Evil Witch being your new work boss...
NOW you should have an idea of your letter's content :)
Optional: Decorate the letter with anything that comes to your mind - you could send a photo or a fictitious newspaper ad and much more! Just be your creative self, if you're up for it :)
No flakers. No unresolved 1s and 3s in the past 6 months. Minimum of 4.8 rating.
Newbies with well-filled profiles are welcome.
I will angel or find someone else, if you rate your partner a 1.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask! :)
Happy swapping - and imagine a world...