It will be nice to have a 3 ring binder type COLLECTION BOOK with full pages.
The kind with the CLEAR FULL PAGE PROTECTOR sleeves...
You will have 1 partner and you will send them
(Signed like an artist should with your name or user name or both ;-)
& UN~Colored page or pages on the back.
INCLUDE a note or letter for the swap (WITH the swap name & your USER NAME on it for ease in rating)
Your letter can be slipped between the pages ;-)
If you like to send EXTRAS then Sticker sheets or flat type goodies could be slipped between the coloring pages too ;-)
So to sum it up...
EASY SWAP Requirements:
1.) 1 clear full page protector to 1 partner , mail flat and unfolded.
2.) A page colored & signed by you facing to the front of the page.
3.) Everything is SENDER's Choice so you may begin working on the swap! ;-)
~ If you are too picky about colors, etc... maybe this swap isn't for you. This is just a coloring page and if you hate it too much just don't put this one in your book ...keep collecting & you will probably get some pages you do luv. OR you may enjoy the variety of the pages like I do!!!! ;-)
Let me add here that this may be an adult coloring page swap but it will not be "Adult Themes" Keep it something that children can look at in our collection books without any problems...;-)
4.) If you receive a clear page protector with a colored page signed by the artist, a note and an uncolored page on the back in a reasonable time frame you must rate a 5.
If you really like it &/or the goodies you may give a nice 💖 & make your partner happy too!
5.) Include at least 1 Uncolored page facing the back that your partner may color &/or share.
6.) Include a letter or note with your USER NAME & THE SWAP NAME on it. You may discuss the swap choices, techniques, the weather, the seasons, coloring, brands of material used, ETC...
7.) You may use pages out of a professional coloring book or pages that have been copied on the computer & printed. Just include credits that are on the pages when you can, I pick up many nice pages they have stacked to give out at my local library.
8.) Mail these in LARGE FLAT ENVIES so they are UNFOLDED...
This is USA ONLY & I just mailed this type of envelope for $1.42 ;-) Anyone may copy & paste this swap description if they would like to do an International or specific theme swap like this in the group...
Have fun & enjoy the swap.
I will try to do this each month thru 2016 & see what a great collection we can all get ;-)
You are encouraged to do private swaps like this too as we get into it so we can have coloring pages from all our C.I. Group friends! ;-) ENJOY!
Blessings, cc
Jan 28th ~ EDITED TO SAY ~~~~~~~ (& I am sending a group message to let everyone know so there is time to get out if you do not agree,,,)
Someone asked me does it matter if you use crayons?
Thats OK with me.... Hope it is with all participants too ;-)...
I did not specify in the swap what to use to color with...
THE SWAP IS SENDER'S CHOICE so you choose! ;-) ...., paints, pencils, markers, colors(crayons), watercolor pencils, ETC...