Thanks for the two great postcards you send for the june wishlist!, I love mine, the stamps are cool:), and I`m sure my boyfriends mom will love hers, I will keep it until her birthday!
Haha! I have no clue! I was going through my "Relationship" thingy on S-B and saw your name and was like, "Hmm..I wonder what Michelle is up to?" and decided to check your profile and say Hi! :)
I don't know what we can swap....but I just miss getting mail from you. :P There are plenty of things I could send your way (unused journals, stickers, etc.) but I don't know what I need in return. I haven't done much swapping in the last month or two, so I'm trying to slowly ease back in.
Heeeeeeello! Thank you for setting up the newbie swap, am looking forward preparing package, went through the profiles and made notes tonight :D
The FAQ was pretty helpful so I think I have all the basics down. If you could recommend some good/active/favorite groups to check out (or forum threads), that would be awesome :D
You are very welcome for the tag, I am glad that you liked it...Thank you for your kind words to regarding all that is going on with me, I really appreciate it and it's nice to know that others care..I love your profile..(((HUGS)))
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You are quite welcome!! I hope Elizabeth has loads of fun at Build A Bear! Bear hugs to you and Elizabeth! ;)
Thanks for the two great postcards you send for the june wishlist!, I love mine, the stamps are cool:), and I`m sure my boyfriends mom will love hers, I will keep it until her birthday!
Thanks for the postcard for my june wish list!
Thank you! I saw so many comments about needing a "well filled-out profile", I just wanted to make sure I was off to a good enough start! :)
Haha! I have no clue! I was going through my "Relationship" thingy on S-B and saw your name and was like, "Hmm..I wonder what Michelle is up to?" and decided to check your profile and say Hi! :)
I don't know what we can swap....but I just miss getting mail from you. :P There are plenty of things I could send your way (unused journals, stickers, etc.) but I don't know what I need in return. I haven't done much swapping in the last month or two, so I'm trying to slowly ease back in.
1 - You rock! I don't know if I have told you lately, but you do!
2 - We need to do a private swap of some kind again. :)
Thanks for the great envie of embellishments that Lizzie picked out for me for the One on One Trades Swap Tag. I love it!
Heeeeeeello! Thank you for setting up the newbie swap, am looking forward preparing package, went through the profiles and made notes tonight :D
The FAQ was pretty helpful so I think I have all the basics down. If you could recommend some good/active/favorite groups to check out (or forum threads), that would be awesome :D
Thanks again, hope you have a good week :)!
You are very welcome for the tag, I am glad that you liked it...Thank you for your kind words to regarding all that is going on with me, I really appreciate it and it's nice to know that others care..I love your profile..(((HUGS)))
P.S. We homeschool too :)
I forgot to say I sent your matchbox tag on wednesday =) it should be with you soon