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Thanks for your kindness on my forum post. I loved seeing a familiar name.
To the Nuts for Sewing Group
Received the pick two tag items of 20 stamps and all those wonderfull cutouts. Thank you so much! Love everything.
Hi there, thanks for the postcard -- great stamps! That was really not necessary, no need to feel bad.... :-)
Thank you so much for being an "angel" for the Uber Postcard Swaps!
I received the paper crafting kit yesterday! I love it! Everything in it was so awesome and I can't wait to get started using the items! Thank you so much!
You're very welcome! Glad you did =D
Received the envie of Kawaii memo sheets, I love them!!!
pick two tag...Thanks for the lettersets and cards they will be put to good use :)
Thanks for the postcards, I'm guessing they were for the "I Collect" forum tag right? I appreciate it.
Page 21 of DarbyFlats's Comments
Back to DarbyFlats's profile
Thanks for your kindness on my forum post. I loved seeing a familiar name.
To the Nuts for Sewing Group
Received the pick two tag items of 20 stamps and all those wonderfull cutouts. Thank you so much! Love everything.
Hi there, thanks for the postcard -- great stamps! That was really not necessary, no need to feel bad.... :-)
Thank you so much for being an "angel" for the Uber Postcard Swaps!
I received the paper crafting kit yesterday! I love it! Everything in it was so awesome and I can't wait to get started using the items! Thank you so much!
You're very welcome! Glad you did =D
Received the envie of Kawaii memo sheets, I love them!!!
pick two tag...Thanks for the lettersets and cards they will be put to good use :)
Thanks for the postcards, I'm guessing they were for the "I Collect" forum tag right? I appreciate it.