I am the mother of an eight year old boy with some special needs and work part time at walmart, so I don't have much free time. I do many different crafts in the spare time I do have.
I am growing my hair for locks of love. My hair now falls about 4 inches above my waist. My goal is for my hair to reach my waist (at least) before I cut it. (Donated 10 inches on 7/12/13)
I collect magnets of all kinds but my favorite come from your city, country, or state. I also collect cows, panda bears, angels, and dragons of course.
I ALWAYS send my swaps, so, if you don't receive your package, please let me know as soon as possible so I can fix things before you just give me a poor rating. I have had swaps get lost in the mail and don't have a problem re-sending them. In fact, I usually have a back up ready before mailing swaps, just incase your package gets lost. For larger packages, I usually pay extra for a tracking number. If you'd like, you can message me to see if I have a number for your swap.
My all time favorite books are the Harry Potter series. Percy Jackson Books (by Rick Riordan) & The Cane Chronicles are among some of my other favorites. I tend to read and enjoy alot of teen sci- fi.
I'm not much of a music person, but if I were to buy music for myself it would probably be from the 80's.
It goes without saying that my favorite movies would be Harry Potter.
Other Movies I Love
*All the Marvel supper hero movies (Iron Man, Captian America, Thor)
*X-Men series
*The Kings Speech
*Anything Judi Dench is in
*Anything Maggie Smith is in
I like almost all family movies and cartoons. I luv Disney.
I mostly watch sitcoms and family shows but some of my favorite programs are:
*Big Bang Theroy
*2 Broke Girls
*Mike & Molly
PBS Shows
*Red Green
*The Thin Blue Line
*Doc Martin
*Call the Midwife
Shows I Found on Netflix
*IT Crowd
My favorite craft is cross stitching. I luv the designs and beautiful colors of threads. I've been stitching since high school and enjoy sharing designs and ideas. I also dabble in crochet here and there, glass etching, and latch hooking.
I have recently started working in the (extermley small) fabric and craft section of the Walmart store I work in and I have decided to learn how to sew. At the age of 45 I have just purchaced my 1st sewing machine (a Brother).
I have also just started to dabble with ATC's. My ATC's are not as good as some I've seen but that's mostly because I am limited in supplies that are available to purchase around here. The clostest REAL craft store (Hobby Lobby) is an hour and a half drive (one way) and I also have to go through one toll booth. Needless to say with all that trouble I only make it there twice a year when we have to go to the nurologist.
Like I have just stated, I am limited in the craft supplies available to me since live in an "out of the way location" to say the least. Please keep this in mind when I send my "extras". I will do my best to put thought and consideration in to all things sent.
My favorite colors are any thing but BLUE! I have to wear it every day to work ...therefore I Hate it!
I enjoy bright colors that pop!
Wish List:
Scraps of fabric so I can pratice sewing
stencils for glass etching
shrinky dinks (opaque)
anything I can craft with my son
any kind of magnet
magnets (from you city, state, or country)
cows, pandas, angels, dragons, anything Harry Potter
DMC skeins for cross stitching / 14 count aida
counted cross stitch kits / charts
grafting paper
anything hand / heart made by you
anything that you want to send. I appreciate any thing that you have put time and effort into.
Please Don't Send
Coffees of any kind. Nobody in my family likes coffee so it would be thrown away if I couldn't find another home for it.
Anything that may not be suitable for a young boy to view other than that anything goes. I have found that by seeing what other people are into I have expanded my mind and my likes. I have also become somewhat of a trend setter amoung my friends. Thank you, Swap-bot swappers!!!
Did NOT Receive:
*[Crafty Kids] Swap from Leann Sheldon (no show & deleted her account) 9- 4- 11
*[Trick or Treat Warm my Feet]: Flaked on by the host, heather1971 (10-8-11)
Angels: THANK YOU!!
Thank you to my cousin, Dee Justice (valentine69),for making my profile look so good. She's a true angel.
I'd also like to thank @tryshaH81 who was my secret friend in one of my groups. Not only did she send some AWESOME packages but she also angeled Trick or Treat Warm my Feet swap by sending me some Valentine and St. Patrick's day socks. She ROCKS !!!
My son's name is David and he just turned ten years old. He has PDD which means that he has autistic symptoms but not enough of one kind to be named (I see mostly aspergers, however). He is in the third grade but is about 2 to 3 years behind his peers as far as class work. He finally knows his ABC's well enough and will start learning to read later this year. He has also just learned his numbers and is working on simple math. His fine motor skills are delayed too and is still working on hand wrighting and tying his shoes in OT. He also has epilepsy but only seems to be triggered by illness or being overly tired. You might want to keep these things in mind if you are sending something just for him.
Other than those things listed above he is a normal ten year old boy and we try to treat him as such whenever possible. His loves are WWE (mostly John Cena) basketball (Oklahoma City Thunder's Kevin Durant) video games (mostly wrestling and basketball), going to the movie theater, movies on DVD, competing In special Olympics, and his best friend, Ethan.
As far as candy he likes Kit Kats, Reese's peanut butter cups, and spearmint gum. He also loves chocolate chip cookies. Children with PDD are usually very picky eaters so that's about all he likes as far as sweets go.
As far as a favorite color it changes everyday.
Wore my green and gold scarf to a Packer party "fundraiser" for a 4 year with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. I received many compliments. Thanks again. Γ°ΕΈββ
Thank you for joining the Christmas stocking filler swap #2!:)
Just sending some Hugs Your Way.
I'm glad you like the items! :)
Welcome to the SWMHC Group
Thanks for the great RAK from the October Wishlists in the "Happy Swap-Bot RAK" group!
I love the stickers and the notepad! :-)
You are such a sweet person! I hope you are having a great October! :)
Thank you for a very sweet stamps and a magnet!!! It vas very nice to recieve my first RAK. Thanks. Hugs Mili
Thank you for the RAK postcard you sent! One step closer to my goal of all 50 states. It took me awhile to find your profile, and am very happy to finally see it. Thanks again!