Hi there. Your angelled house-shaped ATC is going out in tomorrow's mail. I hope you enjoy it. Here is a link to my scan of your atc. http://www.flickr.com/photos/adkpersephone/3702173874/in/photostream/
Hi Janemma! I wanted to let you know I will be mailing your "Here Fishy Fishy" ATC Tuesday morning (the 28th). I just wanted to give you a heads up to keep an eye on your mailbox! I hope you like hand-drawn atcs, I decided to try something new with this one!-- Julia
Thanks, I am excited about the anglophile ATC too! I am also in the crown and earth day ones, and I have the dragonfly one on my watchlist! Looks like we could swap again too! Have a good day!
SO!?!? Did you go to see Twilight? If you did, how was it!? I was unable to go this weekend but being it is Thanksgiving vaca this weekend, I will be going w/ my sister.
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Thanks for joining the first photography challenge! It's going to be a great swap and fun experiment. I'm looking forward to it.
Hi there. Your angelled house-shaped ATC is going out in tomorrow's mail. I hope you enjoy it. Here is a link to my scan of your atc. http://www.flickr.com/photos/adkpersephone/3702173874/in/photostream/
Hi Janemma! I wanted to let you know I will be mailing your "Here Fishy Fishy" ATC Tuesday morning (the 28th). I just wanted to give you a heads up to keep an eye on your mailbox! I hope you like hand-drawn atcs, I decided to try something new with this one!-- Julia
Thanks, I am excited about the anglophile ATC too! I am also in the crown and earth day ones, and I have the dragonfly one on my watchlist! Looks like we could swap again too! Have a good day!
Thank you for joining my I'm An Anglophile! ATC swap! I hope everyone has fun in this one!
SO!?!? Did you go to see Twilight? If you did, how was it!? I was unable to go this weekend but being it is Thanksgiving vaca this weekend, I will be going w/ my sister.
Hope you have a fantastic week! รขโขยฅ
Good Morning! The "Mushroom/Toadstool ATC" has been sent out. Have a great day!
There you are!
HEHE.....lookie who I found!