I keep track by printing out my partners name and addie. When I read their profile, I might make notes on likes/dislikes. Then I note what I send, and the date I send and where I post it. (I use several post offices and boxes) I also write who is sending to me below. If I PM, I note the date. When I get rated I cross off the name with an orange hilighter pen. When I receive I also cross that name off. I do this when I rate on the computer. When the swap is satisfied, I archive it and throw away the paper. I keep all my swaps together in a paper clip. I have never lost track of any swap. It works for me.
And how to prep, package and mail your ATCs (the "How to Package them for mailing" section has pictures of how to package three cards at a time; since Swap-Bot is usually one card at a time, you can ignore this):
I have a notebook that as I open or read the card, I write down the swap name and sender. I do not go to the next piece of mail until I have written down the information.
This has helped me tremendously.
I am now more aware of what I do not get. And my dear partners get their ratings.
Usually when I go through the mail, I get to do it in bed, so the next day, I bring down the notebook and rate everyone that has been listed.
Hi, you left a comment on my profile, it is nice to know that its not just Americans obsessed with swapping! lol, I'm surprised that there is not more Aussies in the Aussie surprise me swap, I assume thats where you found me? Hopefully more sign up, Ive almost got all the stuff Im going to send, I cant wait!
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I keep track by printing out my partners name and addie. When I read their profile, I might make notes on likes/dislikes. Then I note what I send, and the date I send and where I post it. (I use several post offices and boxes) I also write who is sending to me below. If I PM, I note the date. When I get rated I cross off the name with an orange hilighter pen. When I receive I also cross that name off. I do this when I rate on the computer. When the swap is satisfied, I archive it and throw away the paper. I keep all my swaps together in a paper clip. I have never lost track of any swap. It works for me.
aww thxs so much.. yea I love all kinds of music.. Glad to have a nice partner :) I have heard swapping is addicting..
Hi, thanks for your comment. Yes, I love Terry Pratchett and have read many of his books and own all the ones with Granny Weatherwax in them. :D
How to make an ATC:
And how to prep, package and mail your ATCs (the "How to Package them for mailing" section has pictures of how to package three cards at a time; since Swap-Bot is usually one card at a time, you can ignore this):
You asked how to keep track.
I have a notebook that as I open or read the card, I write down the swap name and sender. I do not go to the next piece of mail until I have written down the information.
This has helped me tremendously.
I am now more aware of what I do not get. And my dear partners get their ratings.
Usually when I go through the mail, I get to do it in bed, so the next day, I bring down the notebook and rate everyone that has been listed.
Hi, you left a comment on my profile, it is nice to know that its not just Americans obsessed with swapping! lol, I'm surprised that there is not more Aussies in the Aussie surprise me swap, I assume thats where you found me? Hopefully more sign up, Ive almost got all the stuff Im going to send, I cant wait!
Thanks for the welcome to swap bot - I didn't realise there were so many Australians involved. I'm really enjoying it.
Hi just wondering if you have received my ATC Pink sent to you
So glad things are getting back on track for you!! Take care of yourself ♥