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Page 9 of Pidgy91's Comments

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NickyNightmare on Sep 30, 2013:

OMG. I just realized we have the same birthday!! :D I'm 1990 and you're 1991, that's amazing. ;o

VaGrammy66 on Sep 30, 2013:

Decorate My Profile with Lighthouses

I have been to all of these.

Currituck Lighthouse: Outer Banks, North Carolina.

Cape Hatteras Lighthouse: Outer Banks, North Carolina.

Cape Henry Lighthouses: Ft. Story Virginia

HoosierRain on Sep 29, 2013:

Decorate/Comment on Your Partner's Profile with Th

kerrydwynn on Sep 26, 2013:

Welcome and have fun with us in Cold Hands Warm Hearts group!

JanaChristin on Sep 25, 2013:

Decorate/Comment on your Partners Profile Swap ;D

Hey =)

You are my Swap partner in this swap :) So I checked your profile and choose this two pictures for you :) I really hope you like them ;)

Have a A1 day!! Many greetings from Germany´s capital Berlin :) Jana <3



Kellsa on Sep 23, 2013:


Have some book art! As much as I hate the idea of drawing on books of any kind there are some really pretty art pieces out there.

And because it's almost Halloween! Have a Halloween Hello Kitty!

drgngirl on Sep 22, 2013:

Sorry! I don't know why that last picture didn't come through! Here's another one!


drgngirl on Sep 22, 2013:

Decorate My Profile with Chandeliers!

chandelier chandelier ![chandelier](http://i.ebayimg.com/t/Wine-Bottle-Chandelier-Unique-16-Bottle-Light-Kitchen-Dining-Room-Home-Decor-/00/s/NDA4WDM0Mw==/$(KGrHqFHJDUFC(jdbD)WBQvukyGlEQ~~60_35.JPG)

fiberlady23 on Sep 21, 2013:

fiberlady23 on Sep 21, 2013:

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