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Chickpea on Mar 25, 2008:

Thank you so much for the fabulous package of souvenirs from Sweden and Spain. The bag is so pretty, the soap smells delicious, and I already know exactly where I'll be hanging the cute little plaque. (Very funny story about the horse, BTW.) It was such a generous and wonderful surprise! And I'd love to try that uh-may-zing tea anytime. It sounds delightful. If there's any stateside goodness you're missing or would like to try or anything, just let me know! Hope you're having fun in Germany! :)

Chickpea on Mar 24, 2008:

The first swap is up in the Vegans Kick Ass group!


rebowyer2000 on Mar 20, 2008:

if you got something from the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival, does that mean you are from Maryland? or were you visiting? i am from Maryland. exactly where is the MSWF? sounds interesting.

rebowyer2000 on Mar 16, 2008:

(i'm gonna list my piercings for you just cause i wanna)

right now i have the horizontal and vertical nipple, double earlobe piercings, (lower at a 10, going to an 8 this week, probably, upper at a 14), . left ear - tragus, rook, 2 conch, 1 with captive, 1 with bar. right ear - conch, snug (love it, but i'd never suggest it for anyone), daith, and an orbital above my snug, although i am wearing a horseshoe in it right now, less stress on the ear. that one was fun, when i got home i noticed the blood down my shirt.

rebowyer2000 on Mar 16, 2008:

i'm curious, what is the piercing you call a nipple cross? i have a horizontal and a vertical on one nipple, sorta looks like a cross. vertical hurt like a bitch, kneed my piercer. not on purpose, though. kicked him once, too, when i had to take it out for an x-ray and couldn't get it back in, and had to have him do it. i am so his favorite person.

PiercedNinjette on Mar 8, 2008:

OMG.. I want a Christina SOOO bad. But, my boyfriend's friend said she's a bigger girl, like me, and it hurt like HELL! Stretching piercings is fun.. and addictive!

PiercedNinjette on Mar 8, 2008:

Aww! I looked at your flickr and saw your guinea pigs! I LOVE guinea pigs. I have an albino male named Milo. I've had.. 5 guinea pigs so far. All of my previous ones have passed away ~super sad face~. But, yeah. I'm in LOVE with guinea pigs! And mice! I have two beautiful mice, Alice and Ofelia.

PiercedNinjette on Mar 8, 2008:

Hey! I have my nose and tongue pierced. My tongue is at an 8 guage, and will soon be at a size. I have my right ear pierced twice, with a 14 guage in the second hole, and a 2 guage in the first. My left ear is pierced 3 times, with a 2 and a 14, and then a 16 guage in the cartilage. I used to have my labret done, but it got infected. I plan on getting an industrial, and a 2 guage punch in my cartilage. How about you? Oh, and I have a tattoo between my shoulderblades of an anime cat-girl pinup!

Chickpea on Mar 1, 2008:

I didn't know about Kawaii Not. Thanks for the tip! The tofu looking angrily at the hamburger is the best. :)

kiki on Feb 29, 2008:

Spain?!?! LUCKY!!!! I'm dying to go there....perhaps SOMEday! Glad to hear you're somewhere warmER! ;)

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