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Page 6 of cakes61804's Comments

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ButterflyPrincess on Feb 27, 2009:


Greenwoodtree on Feb 25, 2009:

Okay...the granola is wonderful! Love the flavor of it. Thank you for sending it :-)

Greenwoodtree on Feb 24, 2009:

Thank you for the goodies for the Tag swap! I love that you made a donation in my name for one of the items:-) The granola looks wonderful too - love pecans. peace, Holly

LuciMarie on Feb 18, 2009:

I love your cakes, pastries, cupcakes, etc! You do such beautiful work!

Pookledo on Feb 17, 2009:

Thanks for the great stuff! The jar of purple stuff is very pretty :)

nadithings on Feb 14, 2009:


i baked some cupcakes for you!!


hoppyloo on Feb 14, 2009:

Thank you so much for the grab bag tag! I had forgotten all about it, so it was a real treat to get home from work and find a package waiting for me! Love it all - especially the coin purse! Thanks again :)

provadia on Feb 11, 2009:

Hosting a coinpurse swap! Check it out:)!! http://www.swap-bot.com/swap/show/30752

jillywiccan on Feb 10, 2009:

Hello, Please Join my Artsey/ Crafty...Holy Grail 'grab bag' swap!! This is MY first created swap and I plan to do others as well in the future~ Please stay connected and Wishing U a Grrreat Week, Jilly )O(

susandyer1962 on Jan 31, 2009:

so glad you liked it all!

Have a great day!! Susan

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