I love to binge watch series too, I hate when I only get to see one episode and it stops just as the story is getting to the good point :D I'm pretty behind on Gotham but I'm afraid I'll sit and watch it for a week straight if I start now XD
Not a big fan of coffee but I swear I could survive on cupcakes :D I bake a lot on my favorite ones are dark chocolate ones sprinkled with peppermint candies even though I don't really eat them alone.
Hope you're having a great day and happy Valentines!
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Just Because
Thanks for being a part of my group!
for APDG-Decorate my Profile-Keep Calm
from: mchesser12
APDG- Decorate My Profile- Keep Calm
APDG- Decorate My Profile- Keep Calm!
APDG- Decorate My Profile- Keep Calm
So I decided to send 1 that represents each of my partners in this one! ;-)
FOR @mchesser12
FOR @chitownlady15

FOR @kdeorne1
FOR @Trader1244

FOR @drgngirl

& from me ;-)
I hope you ALL ;-) ...
Blessings, cc
This is for the APDG- Decorate My Profile- Keep Calm
[ESG: Nice profile comment #2]
I love to binge watch series too, I hate when I only get to see one episode and it stops just as the story is getting to the good point :D I'm pretty behind on Gotham but I'm afraid I'll sit and watch it for a week straight if I start now XD
Not a big fan of coffee but I swear I could survive on cupcakes :D I bake a lot on my favorite ones are dark chocolate ones sprinkled with peppermint candies even though I don't really eat them alone.
Hope you're having a great day and happy Valentines!
Hi there! I'm one of your partners for the ESG Nice Profile Comment #2 swap.
I love Spaceballs! It's one of my favorite Mel Brooks movies. My other half and I watch it on a semi-regular basis and pretty much have it memorized.
And what are Maple Bacon cupcakes? I've had Maple Bacon donuts, but not cupcakes. Is the bacon baked into the cupcake or something else?
I hope you have a great rest of your weekend!
For some reason my pic for "3&1s Leave a Comment and Picture" didn't show up on your page.So I'll try again