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Page 2 of jenchaos77's Comments

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RyeRye on Dec 8, 2010:

From North Port, Florida to you~

rubyhousesliprs on Sep 20, 2010:

House rocks! Tonight is the 2 hour season opener at 8 pm on Fox. I will be glued to the sofa for this! LOL

AnaGoncalves on Aug 9, 2010:

Dear Jen, it is nice to be getting to know individuals such as yourself via the "Read my Profile and Leave a Nice Comment, swap." It seems like we have a couple of fair things in common, such as enjoying to take pictures, Bob Marley, Dean Koontz, and anything associated with Wicca. I used to practice white magic as a teenager, but did not take it up further. I am drawn to Wicca because of it's natural truths, and I reasonate with that. What kind of pictures do you enjoy taking? I mainly take photographs of nature and animals (insects, bugs etc...) I also like Bob Marley like you, again because I have a strong connection with everything he sings about, and his music just speaks volumes. In regards to Dean Koontz I like his style of writing, and what he mainly writes about as this is usually the type of area I am drawn to. I hope you and your son Odin are enjoying the Summer. :) That is a very unique name. I have enjoyed reading your profile and getting to know you. I hope we can become friends. Much love x Ana - Have a blessed week

buttonville on Aug 8, 2010:

jen, it was fun to read your profile; it is hard to know what to write in profiles, isn't it? I am familiar with Wiccan beliefs because my sister has a minor in religious studies. She decided to focus on areas other than Christianity (when she was 14 I heard her tell my mother that the bible was just a bunch of stories that never happened-I duck and covered for that one :)....anyway, she concentrated on studying native american and wiccan beliefs. I hope Florida is a good place to be Wiccan-nebraska is a bit conservative, so not too much non-christian goings on is publicized. It was good to meet you! toni aka buttonville.

CarrieZee on Aug 8, 2010:

Hi there-I'm your partner on the Read My Profile & Comment Swap just stopping by to say hi! Believe it or not I only like about 10-15 minutes from you. I have lots of little friends with autism, so we have that in common. Also, unfortunately, we' both been flaked on by the same person (Very discouraging!). I also share your love of the Harry Potter books. Have you been to HP World at Universal? I am hoping to go this year. Well, that's all for now. Happy Swapping!

WickedGirl on Aug 3, 2010:

Hi I am just checking to see if you got the scratch off's that I sent. My other partner received hers days ago.


agonysdecay on Jun 28, 2010:

Its up to you if you want to resend. I don't think you sent me the wrong swap as you put on your business card that it was for this swap. I'll leave the option up to you, I just have no use for junk, profile surprises should be nice;)

Traceyk on Jun 28, 2010:

I rec'd your postcard, but it was postmarked 9 days after you hit the "sent" button. :/

Traceyk on Jun 26, 2010:

I Really Think You'd Like PC Swap: You hit "Sent" on June 16, but it still hasn't shown up yet. We are both in the US.

BEARSANDANNIES on Jun 14, 2010:

I was just wondering if my package made it to you for the Thrift Store #4? Thank you, Kim

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