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VervainTheWitch on Apr 9, 2013:

I'm trying really hard to get over my own sweet-tooth, too! My roommate has my favorite chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream in the freezer and every time I see it I want to go buy ice cream, but I've been really good. Good luck managing yours as well!

I also really like your idea to decorate your garage with postcards--do you use the picture side or the written side or intermixed? Do you do anything to protect them? I'd be really curious to know how much you actually have covered, it sounds really cool. Good luck!

Also, I thought you might appreciate this quote by Tom Waits, my favorite musician:

"My kids are starting to notice I'm a little different from the other dads. "Why don't you have a straight job like everyone else?" they asked me the other day.

I told them this story: In the forest, there was a crooked tree and a straight tree. Every day, the straight tree would say to the crooked tree, "Look at me...I'm tall, and I'm straight, and I'm handsome. Look at you...you're all crooked and bent over. No one wants to look at you." And they grew up in that forest together. And then one day the loggers came, and they saw the crooked tree and the straight tree, and they said, "Just cut the straight trees and leave the rest." So the loggers turned all the straight trees into lumber and toothpicks and paper. And the crooked tree is still there, growing stronger and stranger every day."

Rocktopus on Apr 6, 2013:

Thanks for the lovely fortune RAK!

VeryShelly on Apr 4, 2013:

Thank you so much for your RAK of fortune cookie fortunes. It was so wonderful of you to send them to me =) =) =) I loved your mailing label, very cute... Thank you again!

ncsue on Jan 15, 2013:

Hi, I''m the last one of your profile swap for the Carolina Gals. I too think that is a great idea to put the postcards in your garage. A wonderful way to display and enjoy them all year long. I too live on the coast a little south of you in Calabash. Our favorite beach is Sunset Beach which is one of the Brunswick Islands beaches that face south making for a wide beach and little sand erosion. I too love anything Asian but more Japanese, Chinese. I have used old kimonos in some of my art quilts. I love lots of different art medias too. Just not enough time in the day to do it all and I'm retired. This is the year of prioritizing and getting ufos done. I believe we have swapped at least one time and look forward to swapping again in the new year.

monteverde1997 on Jan 12, 2013:

HI, Happy New Year!! Im am one of you Profile Partner commenters. I think it is great that you are decorating with your postcards. That is a wonderful idea. Do you have a picture of them on your wall? I collected postcards when I was young and I have been wondering what I could do with them. I love See's candies too. They have the best peanut brittle. I wish we had a store year round here in NC. I go the the malls in Raleigh and get peanut brittle from their holiday displays. I live only 1 1/2 hours from the beach. We usually go to Emerald Isle/Indian Beach every weekend. My husband and I take the boat out into the ocean. He likes to fish and I drive the boat. I love being on the water. I hope to swap with you in the future! Kim

circularlogic on Jan 10, 2013:

Hi Wilma! Thanks so much for joining our first swap of the New Year! I hope this year we can all get to know each other better!

Well, I had been to your profile a few times, but hadn't looked at your flickr photos! I love your dogs! They both look so sweet! I bet they are rotten! I know mine are! Lol.

Also checked out your pinterest. I followed a few of your boards! Some days I just can't get enough pinning done! I need to get back in the swing of things! There's so much to learn and do and organize there! Lol.

I know what you mean about treasuring your free time! I do too. It seems I never have enough of it, and when I do- something always seems to come up! I really loathe that, too!

I don't think I had noticed you were using your collection of postcards to cover your garage walls! so cool! How care along are you? Do you have any pictures of that?

For a while I was over the moon sampling perfumes from Amazon. You can find a sample of just about anything there. I went a little cray, cray (as the young kids are calling "crazy" these days!)!!

I love St. Patrick's Day, but Valentine's Day isn't far behind! I posted a swap, but no interest in it. Do you have a better suggest for a swap I can host?

CG :: Read Profile & Comment

alweaxD on Dec 21, 2012:

Hello Wilma! I‘m your partner for December profile comment . Nice to meet you. :) I also LOVE `80 music! You‘re looking very cute person. :> Happy swapping.

wikkedlilgrrl on Dec 14, 2012:

I concur! Your profile is awesome --- I [heart] the * optimistically pessimistic* part! Be on the lookout for some happy mail since you collect postcards!

skydancer on Dec 12, 2012:


Your profile is so welcoming. I can tell you are fairly upbeat for someone who is optimistically pessimistic --- grins. Like you, I enjoy watching The Voice and the CSI series (especially NCIS) and I love going on rides to I know not where. I've discovered some pretty cool places that way.

One evening I went on an unplanned outing when I turned the wrong direction when returning from a visit with a friend. During the 3 hour detour I drove by the light of a full moon, along the side of Lake Alder, and half way around Mt. Rainier. It was really quite enchanting.

I checked out the pics of your dogs. Great photos. They look like fun. I also checked out 'Let them eat rice.' That is one addictive question and answer game! The way it donates rice for those in need reminds me of the site Care2 which donates to quite a number of causes just by what you click on. Both sites seem to make it very easy to do something positive in this world of ours.

I was fortunate to visit N. Carolina some time ago (actually about a decade ago). I didn't make it to the coast, however, just Asheville. That was quite beautiful; I can only imagine how lovely the coast must be.

I'm glad to have shared this Profile swap with you. Have a wonderful holiday!

jennylynn46 on Dec 4, 2012:

What a Sweetheart you are for making sure I got your fun quotes! Thanks so much!!!!

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