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Page 4 of voodooninja's Comments

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princessotako on Aug 17, 2009:

your super excellent ninja is on his way. you have been warned! Ü

choke on Aug 17, 2009:

I am in receipt of my items to alter! I've only done something like this once and loved the results :) Hope you're doing well, and don't forget to hug that nolagirl for me ;)

choke on Jul 21, 2009:

I got my wood back today, woohoo! Thanks for doing this for me, they rock!

marilavado on Jul 1, 2009:

Please join the latest Dead Swappers swap. This time it's Waterhouse ATCs!

J.Waterhouse ATC swap

Also, please let me know if you'd join a bookmark swap with Waterhouse as main theme, as I may be hosting that if there is enough interest. Thank you! =)

marilavado on Jun 30, 2009:

Come and join the Nintendo ATCs swap where you can choose the characters you recieve. This will be so much fun!

Nintendo ATCs - Your favourite

cobaltgypsy on May 26, 2009:

PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZE JOIN THE coffin matchbox shrine swap

and take a gander at this funny little video

Erdbeersternchen on May 22, 2009:

I am very sure that this will be your ONLY chance to become who you always dreamt of: Somebody who saves the world with her own powers, a SUPERHERO! Come and jooooiiin!

superhero swap

AngelicDagger on May 22, 2009:

moogle In The New Foundation 42, A Final Fantasy Swap is up for making a Moogle!




DnD Swap is up!


LOL I love your pictures on your profile. my favorite is the ninja one, my bf and i have decided when we get married since it will be a ninja/pirate theme we have to have take pictures together and explain how many ninjas are in the picture XD

NymphetMaggot on Apr 16, 2009:

The Absinthe fountain is awesome!!! I plan on procuring some for my 21st in July. That'll be an experiment in fun. I've also got a bottle of cheap red wine called Dracula's Blood that I plan on experimenting with as well.

By the way, I'm totally loving the "find x" picture on your profile. I shall use that on my math final next week.

4getmenot71 on Apr 12, 2009:



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