Swap-bot Time: December 21, 2024 6:41 am

Ones ratings for WhimsyChick

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Comment: Will re-rate if anything is every received.
Comment: i'm sorry to do this because i know you are going through a lot right now but i still haven't got this and i'm really looking forward to this swap. my partner has offered to angel for me for the time being. i see you haven't signed in for a while either. you said in msgs you were going to send to me but that was weeks ago. please let me know when you are resending & i will be more than happy to change this rating. in the mean time, look after yourself & i wish you all the best! x

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
4.8824 54 0 0
Completed Fives Threes Ones
46 66 0 2
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
4 11 31 0

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