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Ones ratings for Wijkhuijs

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Mriek rated for Fotografie PQRS on Jan 27, 2012
Comment: If you send the pictures I'll change the rating.
Response: Sorry i didn't come online for a long time do to health and private reasons. I'm so sorry. I you would like i sent i to you now? I never ment to not sent anything :-( Hugs Priscilla
kimphilipsvanburen rated for Fotografie PQRS on Jan 27, 2012
Comment: Nothing was send, even after I mailed you. Will re-rate if you send
Response: Sorry i didn't come online for a long time do to health and private reasons. I'm so sorry. I you would like i sent i to you now? I never ment to not sent anything :-( Hugs Priscilla

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
4.8824 38 4 4
Completed Fives Threes Ones
22 66 0 2
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
18 2 2 0

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