Swap-bot Time: October 3, 2024 3:46 pm

Ones ratings for brandiscardina

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Comment: I never received anything or got a reply to my PM; will be happy to re-rate if I ever receive it.
nelco rated for Quilted Mug Rug on Feb 16, 2014
Comment: I will change your rating as soon as I get your mugrug.
jazzcall78 rated for Destash Your Craft Stash on Feb 14, 2014
Comment: Hope all is well. I am rating a one because at this time this swap has not been sent and you have not logged on since 1/22.
amazingemo rated for Scarf Made with Love on Feb 6, 2014
Comment: I had contacted Brandi after a month, she was going to check. I have heard anything since. I really hate to do this. I would be happy to change rating if things were corrected.

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
4.8333 81 0 0
Completed Fives Threes Ones
59 103 1 4
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
9 10 40 0

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