Swap-bot Time: March 13, 2025 3:55 am

The Swap-bot Rating System

Please read this information before you start rating any of your swap partners.

How the rating system works:

Once you have received items from your swap partners, you can log back into Swap-bot and view the corresponding swap page. On this page you will see an option to “Rate the partners who sent you stuff.” When you click on this option a list of all of the participants who were assigned to send items to you will pop-up with a list of rating options and comment section for each. However, this option does not appear until one week (7 days) after the MAIL DEADLINE for the swap. This delay allows time for items to travel through the mail and also ensures that the swaps stay anonymous until you receive your package. It may take longer than a week to receive a package from your partner, so don’t feel like you must rate your partners right away. There is always the option of logging back into Swap-bot and changing your ratings at any time, even for old swaps.

Everyone’s average rating is displayed by their name on their profile page. The history of each participants’ ratings and comments they received are also displayed at the bottom of their profile page. Swap coordinators can use this information to determine whether they would like an individual to participate in their swap.

Swap-bot recommends that swap coordinators contact a participant before they ultimately decide to ban them from their swap. Sometimes there is a good explanation as to why a participant couldn’t follow through on a previous swap. However, if a participant has multiple poor ratings, he/she is probably a poor swapper.

The rating criteria:

There are only three different rating criteria: I got my stuff and it met posted swap requirements (5 points); I got my stuff, but it didn't meet the posted swap requirements (3 points); I never got anything (1 point). Keep in mind that you are NOT rating your partners on whether or not you liked what you received, only on if it met the requirements of the swap. The fun thing about swaps is that you never know what you are going to get, and that means that sometimes you may not be thrilled with what you receive. Also, remember that everyone (including the person you are rating) can see who you are and what ratings and comments you gave. It is important to rate participants honestly, but it is also good to be kind even if you have to give someone the lowest rating.


If someone sends you an extra special swap package that far exceeds the swap requirements, you can give that person a heart. The option to give someone a heart only appears when you give them the highest rating ("I got my stuff and it met posted swap requirements"). Under this rating option a check box will appear that you can mark if you want to give a heart. You do not have to give anyone a heart just because you gave them the highest rating. We suggest that you reserve giving hearts to those swappers who you think deserve even more than the highest rating (more than 5 points). The number of hearts a person has collected will be shown on their profile page next to their average rating. Lots of hearts indicates a very special swapper!

Why a rating system?

Our rating system is like feedback on how each participant performed on each swap for which they signed up. Swap-bot does NOT automatically ban anyone based on this feedback, but swap coordinators can manually ban anyone from their swaps and they may decide to ban participants with negative ratings.

The rating system is meant to help keep people honest and fair with their swaps. No one likes to send out lots of cool swap items and then get nothing in return.

What if you received a rating that you believe is unfair?

The great thing about the Swap-bot rating system is that you can see who gave you each rating. If you think someone gave you an unfair rating, you can go to their profile and contact them, via the Swap-bot messaging system, about your concerns. Sometimes packages get lost in the mail. It is up to you and your partners to determine how to remedy that type of situation. Ratings can be revised at any time, so it is never too late to try and work something out with your partners. You can also always contact your swap coordinator with your concerns.