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bjmonroe on Nov 22, 2016:

bjmonroe on Sep 22, 2016:

ThriftyUrbanMom on Aug 11, 2016:

Knock, knock! I'm just stopping by to invite you to take a look at our Christian Swappers Group forums, we have an AUG: $5 Esty Gift Card 🙏 Bible Trivia Game going on in the group forum now.

Come join in on the fun! Win a $5.00 Esty Gift Card - Enter by 8/31/2016

God bless you! ~Rachael

ragingrainbow on Jan 17, 2016:

Hi! Just leaving some extra dragon love for the participants of the Pinterest:Dragons swap - I hope you enjoy the swap! :)

KSENiA on Dec 28, 2015:

Book covers profile decoration

The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov is one of my most beloved books. One of the few I actually re-read. The first time I read it I was around 14 or something. I totally skipped over Jesus parts and read only Satan in Moscow ones. I read it all over again at 18 and concentrated mostly on the parts I skipped before. At my 3rd re-read, I was near 30 and by then learned to appreciate both the hilarity and the deep philosophical meaning of the novel.

I rarely read Mystery books, and yet The Flanders Panel by Arturo Perez-Reverte is one of my all-time favorites. It's very gorgeous and decadent read about art, justice, freedom, murder and chess.

I have a thing for Decadence and Melancholy. Be with You by Takuji Ichikawa is probably the most beautiful and charming love stories I ever read. And the twist in the end feels my heart all together with sadness, hope and delight. Also it's one of the prettiest covers I have on my bookshelves.

Uprooted by Naomi Novik is my absolutely new favorite, and undeniably the best read of this year. It's an adorable Fairy Tale about 17 year old "Baba Yaga" and her fight with Dark sentient Forest. It has plenty of magic, humor, adventure and female friendship. Also - very unusual romance. And it has one of the greatest openings: “Our Dragon doesn’t eat the girls he takes, no matter what stories they tell outside our valley. We hear them sometimes, from travelers passing through. They talk as though we were doing human sacrifice, and he were a real dragon. Of course that’s not true: he may be a wizard and immortal, but he’s still a man, and our fathers would band together and kill him if he wanted to eat one of us every ten years. He protects us against the Wood, and we’re grateful, but not that grateful.”

Happy New Reading Year! Ksenia

ScrappyLisa on Dec 26, 2015:

For Book Covers Profile Decoration Swap

Of course I love Shakespeare's Macbeth and adore Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath, yet my favorite book is the one that I am reading right now! Here are few of my favorites from 2015:

Steal Like an Artist has been a blast for me this year. I love the practical ideas. While the cover isn't incredibly inspiring, the ideas inside more than make up for it.
Steal Like an Artist

This summer I enjoyed a wild rampage through Robin Hobb's multiple series, ending with this book, Fool's Quest. Goodness, but I can't wait for the next installment. Fool's Quest

We just got a new dog, or what I really should say is that a dog found us on Thanksgiving. We needed some help in the training department and our local librarian [god love her!] recommended this title, Be a Pack Leader. It's been so helpful. We also binge-watched the series and laughed at all the owner mistakes we now know we won't make.

Cesar Milan

I found this book recommended at our local book store and took a stab at it--fantastic girl power book. The Queen of Tearling has been making the rounds of friends and family. Lots of great messages in this book.

The Queen of Tearling

jesslynne on Aug 19, 2015:

Hi there! This is for the profile decoration post a winnie the pooh pic swap! I hope you enjoy the pictures :)

Happy Swapping!


Vanillacreamteas on Aug 17, 2015:

also please rate your partners! i saw yo didn't rate for the last swap xx

Vanillacreamteas on Aug 17, 2015:


for the love of pooh bear, sending you classic pooh

Vanillacreamteas on Aug 17, 2015:


for the love of pooh bear, sending you classic pooh

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