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Hello! I still haven't received coins for the 4 coins swap. You said you'll send me a resend on 13th April. I haven't still anything. Speak soon.
Hello, my envelop with the ephemera-swap came back to me, I will re-sent it next week.
Hello, I will put the ephemera-swap in the mailbox tomorrow! :)
Thank you for joining the swap: Letter, teabag and a surprise! I hope you'll enjoy it! :)
Join the latest Sailor Senshi Swap! (:
New Swaps in the Sailor Senshi Club! The Dark Kingdom is rising (at least in this group)!
The two swaps are:
Jadeite ジェダイト
Nephrite ãƒãƒ•ãƒ©ã‚¤ãƒˆ
Dzięki za list! Dostałam go w na początku tygodnia, ale tyle się działo, że nie miałam jeszcze czasu odpisać. :)
Dear Sailor Senshi Club member! A new Sailor Scout Swap is out! An ATC about Sailor Chibi Moon! Come & join it! (:
Page 1 of Aleksis's Comments
Back to Aleksis's profile
Hello! I still haven't received coins for the 4 coins swap. You said you'll send me a resend on 13th April. I haven't still anything. Speak soon.
Hello, my envelop with the ephemera-swap came back to me, I will re-sent it next week.
Hello, I will put the ephemera-swap in the mailbox tomorrow! :)
Thank you for joining the swap: Letter, teabag and a surprise! I hope you'll enjoy it! :)
Join the latest Sailor Senshi Swap! (:
New Swaps in the Sailor Senshi Club! The Dark Kingdom is rising (at least in this group)!
The two swaps are:
Jadeite ジェダイト
Nephrite ãƒãƒ•ãƒ©ã‚¤ãƒˆ
Dzięki za list! Dostałam go w na początku tygodnia, ale tyle się działo, że nie miałam jeszcze czasu odpisać. :)
Dear Sailor Senshi Club member! A new Sailor Scout Swap is out! An ATC about Sailor Chibi Moon! Come & join it! (: