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because its long overdue...
Happy Birthday To You!!!
I hope you have an absolutely WONDERFUL Birthday!!!
Huge Birthday Hugs!! ~Dana~
I'm so sorry that today is a hard day. I wish I lived closer so I could have driven over and we could have gone to starbucks or something. I'm thinking about you and you are in my prayers.
I'm so sorry this is a bad day for you! It will be tommorrow before you know it!!
BTW-Good Morning! :P
Page 8 of Invisible's Comments
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because its long overdue...
Happy Birthday To You!!!
I hope you have an absolutely WONDERFUL Birthday!!!
Huge Birthday Hugs!! ~Dana~
I'm so sorry that today is a hard day. I wish I lived closer so I could have driven over and we could have gone to starbucks or something. I'm thinking about you and you are in my prayers.
I'm so sorry this is a bad day for you! It will be tommorrow before you know it!!
7~7~7~7 !!
BTW-Good Morning! :P