I loved round 1, round 2 got a bit carried away with the pics, so I'm looking forward to see what round 3 will bring. a perfumed scented invite for yours truly perhaps?
thanks for hosting it again!
I Would Join This Swap If... Round 2 is one of the most fun swaps I've ever done. Thanks so much for hosting. It's much-needed comic relief from swappers who take things too seriously around here. :)
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Merry Christmas!!
I loved round 1, round 2 got a bit carried away with the pics, so I'm looking forward to see what round 3 will bring. a perfumed scented invite for yours truly perhaps? thanks for hosting it again!
I Would Join This Swap If... Round 2 is one of the most fun swaps I've ever done. Thanks so much for hosting. It's much-needed comic relief from swappers who take things too seriously around here. :)
you know people are still commenting on that 'i would join this swap if...' swap? lol. you're awesome!
Thanks for the birthday wishes :)
I can't believe we have our own 'dark' thread. Who would have thought 23 of us could be so infamous!!!
One of my penfriends sent a message and linked the "I would join..." swap to cheer me up and it did. Thank you!
YOU TOTALLY ROCK!!! This is one of the funniest and interesting swap I have been into. Keep them coming!
Excellent !!! quel swap !!!! On va s'ennuyer maintenant !!! Merci merci merci !!!!
Wanted to make sure you know how funny the "I would join...." swap was. Haven't laughed that hard in a long time. Thanks for that!