I can't honestly say that Andrea is my favourite character as I love them all but since she is the most recent casualty and left with such grace, I chose her. And she was such an awesome female and kicked a** with her big gun shooting walkers when the other girls were doing laundry (not that there's anything wrong with laundry, someone has to do it.) She's just to cool! Such a shame she had to leave when she worked to hard to save everyone. I can say though that she spent WAY too long talking to Milton and WAY too little time getting those #%+ pliers! Seriously!?!?
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Supernatural profile decoration of my favourite character, Dean
Firefly Decorate Your Profile! I love, love, love Mal!
Welcome to DWF - stop by and introduce yourself!
Hot Mal & too much hair!
Firefly Decorate your Profile
How odd, because it shows a small pic of Merle..Want me to try another one?
Daryl Dixon is my favorite on the Walking Dead! Just look at this hair! Sign me up for the Zombie Apocalypse!
I can't honestly say that Andrea is my favourite character as I love them all but since she is the most recent casualty and left with such grace, I chose her. And she was such an awesome female and kicked a** with her big gun shooting walkers when the other girls were doing laundry (not that there's anything wrong with laundry, someone has to do it.) She's just to cool! Such a shame she had to leave when she worked to hard to save everyone. I can say though that she spent WAY too long talking to Milton and WAY too little time getting those #%+ pliers! Seriously!?!?
I loved Merle & I'm sad he's gone :(
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