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jaimierandolph on Oct 24, 2017:

Profile Bible verse#5 Colossians 3:2 Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.

FundyGirl on Oct 24, 2017:

Profile Bible Verse #5

"I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving kindness."

-- Jeremiah 31:3 (NIV)

Hsing on Oct 24, 2017:

Profile Hello #6

Hello from Jess :-) The weather in St. Louis suddenly turned cold today. I wonder how is it like in Pennsylvania? Please stay warm! I also love Sudoku. I like it because my partner loves it, and we often spend good time together doing these puzzles :-) Have a nice week!


DragonflyDaisy on Oct 24, 2017:

Profile Bible Verse #5

Sometimes we get so busy with all the hustle and bustle in our lives that we forget to take time and recognize the hand of God in our lives. We need to stop and acknowledge the blessings and tender mercies that He bestows on us daily and give thanks!

zephyr782070 on Oct 24, 2017:

Greetings from Arlington, VA. This is Luna, your partner for the “profile hello #6” swap. Just stopping by to say hello and I saw that one of your favorite things is your cat. I have a cat too. His name is Martini and he’s the light of my life. Have a great day! 🐱🐱

pineandbramble on Oct 24, 2017:

hello partner! absolutely loved reading that your family followed in your footsteps, educating. what grade did you teach? what about your own children? do you miss teaching? im homeschooling my three (well two, the littlest is only two, and his days are following mama around, mimicking all that i do) we are lucky to live in a place rich with activities + like-minded folk, and i absolutely love having the opportunity. my daughter is in an advanced creative writing class, and loves books. my son taught himself to code, and spends as much time as he can with his compass & magnifying glass in the forest behind our home. before i say "ta-ta" i wanted to let you know - i saw you have your daughter drive you to the post office, but just in case you didn't know, they do offer pick-ups for packages. if you schedule via usps.com you can request the post-master come to scoop up whatever parcels you need to send, and you can print out shipping too : ) it's quite easy and has saved me many times, especially in winter, when the thought of dragging three littles to the post office in horrid weather, sounds well, horrid ; ) have a lovely day xx (tracy, your partner for the hello! profile swap)

nduffy12345 on Oct 18, 2017:

Hi Katie B From Lindsay Ontario Canada Nancy Duffy

Fabriqueen on Oct 17, 2017:

Profile Hello #5

Hello from Texas, Of all my school years, the one teacher I loved and respected the most was my American History teacher. Not just because he taught a subject I loved (and still do), but he was an encourager. He was genuinely interested in how all of us were doing in all of our classes. He also had us reading books and do acts of kindness for others before it became so popular in the schools. Now-a-days it's for extra credit. We did it just because Mr Godwin asked us to. I have the highest respect for teachers who are able to help young people navigate this crazy world we live in these days. Thank you for all the lives you have touched. Have an awesome day! Hugs, Diane

bluecrayons on Oct 17, 2017:

Profile Bible Verse #4

Above everything, love one another earnestly, because love covers over many sins. Open your homes to each other without complaining. Each one, as a good manager of God’s different gifts, must use for the good of others the special gift he has received from God. 1 Peter 4:8-10

FundyGirl on Oct 17, 2017:

Sorry, that's for Profile Hello #5

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