It was very nice and interesting to read your profile.
I think it is really admirable that you do so much voluntary work to support others.
Recently I made my first towel teddy bear as a present and enjoyed it a lot! :)
I just started watching cake boss!! my birthday is this monday so i am hopeful for ideas, but i know i want chocolate fudge-- you have quite a full life and many interests- please stay with us on SB-- and a lover of pets too? awesome =]
Re: Read my profile and leave a comment
Hi, I'm Barb Gill from Muncie, IN. I was in your fair city for a week last summer for a women's church gathering at the convention center. I had a great time. Unfortunately, I didn't get to see much of your city. What I did see was beautiful. I'm glad to see that you support our troops. My son served a year in Afghanistan and come home in one piece and of sound mind. I was grateful for that. I have made many Quilts of Valor. You're lucky to have grandchildren. Give them a hug for me. I don't have any, but have "adopted" the kids across the street. Their grandparents don't live around here so I get to be the "on site" grandmother. I'm also new to this site. Perhaps we'll cross paths again. Happy Swapping!
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Happy New Year!
I'm glad to hear you received the stocking! I hope you like whats inside! Merry Christmas!
Happy Thanksgiving!

Read my profile and write a comment
It was very nice and interesting to read your profile. I think it is really admirable that you do so much voluntary work to support others. Recently I made my first towel teddy bear as a present and enjoyed it a lot! :)
Have a very nice day,
I just started watching cake boss!! my birthday is this monday so i am hopeful for ideas, but i know i want chocolate fudge-- you have quite a full life and many interests- please stay with us on SB-- and a lover of pets too? awesome =]
Re: Read my profile and leave a comment Hi, I'm Barb Gill from Muncie, IN. I was in your fair city for a week last summer for a women's church gathering at the convention center. I had a great time. Unfortunately, I didn't get to see much of your city. What I did see was beautiful. I'm glad to see that you support our troops. My son served a year in Afghanistan and come home in one piece and of sound mind. I was grateful for that. I have made many Quilts of Valor. You're lucky to have grandchildren. Give them a hug for me. I don't have any, but have "adopted" the kids across the street. Their grandparents don't live around here so I get to be the "on site" grandmother. I'm also new to this site. Perhaps we'll cross paths again. Happy Swapping!