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morwesong on May 28, 2011:

Yay! I was able to add the heart to the rating. You definitely deserve them (all 4 of them, hehe!) :-)

morwesong on May 26, 2011:

Oh my! I tried rating a 5 and a heart with a long comment, but for some reason only the 5 showed up. I am leaving the comment here, and I am contacting Rachel to see if she can manually add in the heart :-)

You send the best packages ever!!! I am so excited to start answering questions in the journal! The cat book is wonderful; I am already starting to fill it out and it will be so great to have years down the road. The little glass duck on the rainbow is too adorable! I am so glad I was able to provide your Snoopy with a good home. He is now sitting on my printer with all of my other random Snoopy plushies, and I think he is very happy :-) The personalized stationary is so fun, and I can't wait to put the puzzle together! When it's all together, I am going to keep it together with glue, frame it, and hang it in my living room :-) Thank you so so so much for such a lovely, sweet, thought out package. I am so glad we have been swapping together, and I look forward to when we switch the journals back and see what the other one wrote. Thanks again!!

morwesong on May 20, 2011:

Oops, I just found a couple of things that I meant to send in the package with the journal! I guess that means we will have to do another private swap sometime soon :-)

zurdoswifey on May 10, 2011:

Awww you're so sweet Carolina....for sending me birthday wishes...

And a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you too...

You're lucky... you're still young... ha ha I am 33 today :(

aseknc on May 10, 2011:

Thanks for the birthday wishes!!! Happy Birthday to you too Carolina! I hope it't the most wonderful birthday you've ever had!!!!♥

morwesong on May 3, 2011:

Hello! I got your message and responded! Sorry for the delay; I've been dealing with a sick bunny :-( I am having trouble getting him to take his medicine that was prescribed because he injured himself, and he was looking really sickly the past couple of days. Today was his birthday, and I couldn't even get him to eat his birthday banana :-( Anyway, he seems to be doing a bit better at the moment, so I set up our swap and I am trying to add the little finishing touches to your journal!

rattissia on Apr 30, 2011:

It is :D I am now 30! Woo :D Thanks for the happy bday comment ^.^

CoCoLogo on Apr 3, 2011:

Oh cool, your the 3rd person I've come across on this site that lives here. ^-^ I actually live on the outside of south Vegas and Henderson, by the M and St.Rose

morwesong on Mar 30, 2011:

I loooove Celebriducks! I really wish I had more money so I could buy them all :-D

Your package is just about ready to do. If it is not in the mail tomorrow, it will definitely be by Friday :-)

MannieG on Mar 6, 2011:

Hello Carolina (Love your name!) I really enjoyed your artists listing. I have to admit I youtubeD a majority of them and forgot to leave you a positive feedback rating. (whoops, I apologize about that but I was INTO your listings) We both have great taste in movies because all the movies you listed I like..and that is rare. Love your profile. You seem so full of life. Have a great day.

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