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it's all good. the more I do, the more that I realize it's not the make up of the items you are using but what you can do with what you have.
Thanks for the great package for the Pagan/Wiccan forum tag!
It's talk like a Pirate Day!!
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I recieved the post cards today. Thank you so much for this very generous RAK.
Thank you so much for the awesome and generous postcard RAK! :) :)
Thanks so much for the generous RAK of postcards! :)
Thankyou so much for the postcards RAK, they arrived today :)'s not David Tennant. Forgive me? ;)
As per your PF request: : )
And finally:
Page 4 of Pashanista's Comments
Back to Pashanista's profile
it's all good. the more I do, the more that I realize it's not the make up of the items you are using but what you can do with what you have.
Thanks for the great package for the Pagan/Wiccan forum tag!
you might enjoy this
I recieved the post cards today. Thank you so much for this very generous RAK.
Thank you so much for the awesome and generous postcard RAK! :) :)
Thanks so much for the generous RAK of postcards! :)
Thankyou so much for the postcards RAK, they arrived today :)'s not David Tennant. Forgive me? ;)
As per your PF request: : )
And finally: