Swap-bot Time: February 13, 2025 8:49 pm


Original Member
Last Online: November 22, 2013
Birthday: February 25, 1984
Country: United States
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About Me

I had to cancel the Mini Zine swaps due to some issues in my home life and having to go away for a little bit of time. When I return, I'll restart them. Until then, if you would like to create the same swap, please do (just don't use my exact wording, please). The one swap I have up will be sent out on time, no worries.

I'm really curious about simple living and living a sustainably conscious life (frugal/simple living). If you have any information, I would love it!

"To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best night and day to make you everybody else, means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight and never stop fighting." — E.E. Cummings

I'm an easy going, nature-loving, heavily tattooed, yet feminine and peaceful person (who thinks they are a poet). I also happen to shave my head regularly, although lately it's more of a mohawk. I do not adhere to society's rules of how a woman should look and act. I like it that way. ^_^

I'm Native American. ^_^

Favorite Colors: Bright, bold colors are my favorites. I'm not a fan of browns/tans, oranges or yellows.

Note: My blog and Flickr are brand new! I'm starting from scratch. They will also contain spoilers. ^_^

Member since May 2007.

Favorite Crafts

I can crochet nearly anything. I love free-form the most. It's like therapy - just creating, creating, creating until you're happy with what's in your hands. I just REALLY love crocheting.

I can knit as well.

I also like making zines and chapbooks.

I like working with crochet and felt to make brooches. ^^

I love paper crafts. Making my own envelopes, etc... but my main focus is fiber arts!


(Yes, this list is REALLY long, but this is NOT a wish list - but a list of some of the things I like/love. I'm just trying to give a glimpse of the kind of person I am.):

  • Alanis Morissette.
  • Anaïs Nin.
  • Anything nature, meditation, zen, hippie, calm, Buddhism, crafty.
  • Anything writing related (pens, pencils, paper, note cards, stationary, etc).
  • ATCs. (Yours, because I don't make them.)
  • Barefoot sandals. Goodness, I love barefoot sandals. All kinds.
  • Bizarre figurines/toys/knickknacks/etc.
  • Blythe Dolls. Super creepy is even better than super cute.
  • Bookmarks.
  • Books.
  • Brooches (felt, crochet, fabric, beaded - I love them all! If they are odd/strange it's even better - and cameo brooches like below are ♥).
  • Buddhism, Hinduism, etc, teachings and readings. Books, mantras, meditation, zen. Anything to do with either will get you hearts.
  • Bunnies! Bunnies! Bunnies! My love of bunnies knows no bounds! It's my favorite animal.
  • Cabochons (prefer the cute and whimsy ones, and cameo ones - flat back on all of them). If they aren't at least 10mm wide, I can not use them.
  • Cameos (I adore the miniature cameo necklaces - like the small portraits that look painted inside. Little odd cameos are fantastic, too.)
  • Candy! All sorts of candy! Chocolate (dark, organic, milk - anything but white. Nooo white, please.)(If it's filled, I prefer marshmallow, wafers, nougat, caramel or peanut butter - nothing else, except nuts and toffee. I love nuts and toffee in my chocolate, too. Just no fruity add-ins, basically.), gummies, foreign/international (I'm in the US), etc. Most anything EXCEPT fruit-filled candies and hard candies (I don't know why. I just don't like these). Also not a big fan of spicy chocolate (like the Tabasco kind). I adore Oh Henry bars and grape gummies of any kind. I love those little Japanese candies with the chocolate and cookies that are in different shapes (like mushrooms, etc).
  • Chapbooks (either personally made or bought, etc.).
  • Chocolate. I love chocolate so, so much.
  • Cool weather.
  • Crochet and knitted wide head wraps in sweet/feminine designs and colors (like dreadwraps/dreaded hairbands - like this in the third photo ). Open and light is the key. I don't like heavy/thick items on my head.
  • Crocheted and knitted wash/dish cloths in super bright and fun colors, any size.
  • Cupcakes (the food)!
  • Cute crochet hooks!
  • Cute/feminine barrettes, bobby pins, hair jewelry/items, head wraps ( like this and this ), bandannas (not your average bandannas), clips, combs, hair clips, etc.
  • Cutesy kawaii stationary and envelopes. Especially cute food and things that would otherwise not be cute. I also like sweet/pretty stationary, too!
  • Dolls. Small cute dolls. Small odd dolls. Small horror dolls. The theme here is small/mini (like little Kewpie/Cupie dolls). I like them tiny. ^^
  • Elephants! Elephants! Elephants! (But not cartoon-y elephants. More tribal/India/Middle Eastern/Asian/Native American/etc style.)
  • Envelopes!
  • Fafi / Here, too.
  • Felt. I love felt. All colors.
  • Feminine/sweet/girlie items. Not juvenile/child/teen girlie, though. More adult sweet/vintage type feminine and sweet.
  • Granny squares and doilies!
  • Grape Gummies (I like strawberry and cherry gummies, too. This is my favorite kind of candy.) My second is chocolate. I love chocolate, too.
  • Hand-made / hand-crafted items.
  • Harry Potter. I love Harry Potter.
  • Head Scarfs/Wraps/Bandannas.
  • Hip bags/pouches (that tie around the waist) (NOT fannypacks).
  • Horror anything. Dark themes. I love little horror dolls and spooky stories. Anything along those lines, including serial killer and horror movies (slasher, ghost, spooky, scary, etc).
  • Hot Chocolate! Hot Chocolate! Hot Chocolate! (dark or milk chocolate - no white.). I will take hot chocolate over tea and coffee any day of the week!
  • I'll love anything you send as long as you put thought into it.
  • Incense, but only the earthy scents (Nag Champa, Patchouli, Sandalwood, Frankincense and Myrrh, earthy scents - think temples and foreign countries).
  • Journals and diaries. Handmade, store-bought, found, etc.
  • Key chains. I prefer handmade! ^_^
  • Kitsch.
  • Letters. Handwritten is the best.
  • Magazines. I prefer magazines in languages other than English for crafting purposes, please.
  • Malas and Mala beads.
  • Little oddities (like figurines, etc).
  • Mandalas.
  • Mehndi / Henna.
  • Miniature anything!
  • Mini Stationary! Example 1! - Example 2! - Example 3!
  • Miss Van
  • Mugs and teacups. Cute, unusual, vintage, thrifted, big (prefer them big!), tiny, all of them.
  • Naughty stuff (erotica, smut, etc).
  • Oddities (knickknacks/figurines/etc).
  • Open air flea markets, bazaars, farmer's markets, art fairs and shows, craft fairs, festivals of all kinds.
  • Organza bags (large and small, any color).
  • Paper (any kind of paper) and paper scraps.
  • Paperback books. Old and new. I love them all.
  • Paper dolls. Goodness, I REALLY love paper dolls. I prefer the articulated/moveable ones. (I prefer the modern dolls being made lately. The weird/creepy/odd/bizarre looking ones are a huge favorite.) If you make it, there is a HUGE chance I will absolutely love it.
  • Pens and pencils.
  • Poetry and poetry books.
  • Postcards! I prefer them just covered with your writing. It can be about anything you want, I just love the look of them completely filled up. Or, on the other side of that, I would like them naked in an envelope if you don't feel you'll be able to fill it.
  • Prayer flags / banners / pennants.
  • Pretty things, including paper, books, envelopes, stationary, fiber, fabric, ribbon, etc. Just pretty!
  • Profane/adult/smutty/etc anything.
  • Rats. So cute.
  • Recipes cards (4hx6w, please - blank OR filled with your favorite recipe)!
  • Ribbon. I really like that shabby chic kind!
  • Smash Books/Junk Journals/Altered Books/Journals. (Yours. I don't make them.)
  • Socks (I wear a size 9 and a half shoe) and flip flops.
  • Spoken Word and flow poetry. Def Poetry Jam, along those lines.
  • Stationary. I love snail mail and enjoy writing on pretty/cute/quirky/odd paper. Mini, full size, envelopes, etc. Handmade or store-bought, I like both!
  • Strange / Unusual ATCs (your art!).
  • Sustainable and frugal living. Simple living. Down to earth and peaceful.
  • Tea. (All kinds, but my favorites are handmade (like from Etsy - I've gotten some amazing tea from some of those sellers!), mint, honey, orange, black, raspberry, strawberry, chai, cinnamon. The only kind I do not like is Earl Gray. I usually prefer my tea sweet.)
  • Tea pots, especially cute/hand-painted/artsy ones!
  • Tea bag cozies.
  • Tie-Dye.
  • Tins of tea! I love the vintage-look of those tins! Not to mention the amazing tea inside!
  • Tiny mail!
  • Tribal (Native American, Samoan, Maori, Polynesian, Hawaiian, Bornean, Marquesan, Himalayan) - customary/religious/coming of age/traditional tattoo artwork. Not the "new" type of "tribal", but the tattoos and artwork with a long history and meaning that's very special to each heritage.
  • Trinkets from other countries!
  • Typewriters. I LOVE them so so much.
  • Unidentified Flying Objects (I want to believe).
  • Washi tape. So cute and handy for mailing letters in handmade envelopes!
  • Wrapping presents!
  • Writing. I usually write poetry and flash fiction/micro-fiction. Mostly dark/horror or erotic... and sometimes both!
  • X-Files, The.
  • Yarn. I LOVE size 10 thread yarn in a variety of colors and sport weight the most. Thread, sport, DK, worsted, bulky, super bulky... I adore them all. Prefer natural fibers, but I'm good with soft acrylics. Please, for the love of all that's holy, do not send fun fur/novelty yarns. I can't use them.
  • Yoga.
  • Your poetry and short stories.
  • Zakka
  • Zines (I love mini and regular zines). All zines and chapbooks.
  • 60's folk music, modern folk music, Mumford and Sons, Alanis Morissette, Corinne Bailey Rae, Nina Simone, Erykah Badu, India Arie, Janis Joplin, Sunni Patterson, Goapele, Skin (from Skunk Anansie), Fiona Apple, Skunk Anansie, Sade, Enya, Jewel (I love her books, too.), Sarah McLachlan, Amy Winehouse, Dido, Garbage, The Cranberries and so many, many more.

If it includes bunnies and typewriters, I'll be in love. ^_^


I really don't have a lot of dislikes.

  • Dried fruits, candies and chocolate with any kind of fruit in them, white chocolate. The only exception are those orange, milk chocolate things.
  • Disney and Diddl anything. Also not a fan of barnyard type animals (cows, chickens, goats... that sort of thing).
  • Gifts and packages that have no thought put into them.
  • Strong floral scents.
  • Hello Kitty!
  • Politics.
  • Black Licorice and Jelly Beans.
  • Romance novels.
  • Cartoon characters on anything. I DO like the kawaii sort of cute cartoons/drawings, though. Just no Hello Kitty!.
  • No crosses/Catholic/Jesus items, please.
  • Fruity/powder mix drinks that aren't hot chocolate or tea.
  • Earrings. I have stretched ears, so anything under 00 gauge can't be worn (I am currently at 00 gauge - the larger side, about 10mm). The only exception is hoops, because they can go through tunnels.
  • Coffee and those K-Cup things. I don't use the K-Cups and I hardly drink coffee.
  • Fuzzy/Fur/Novelty yarn. No, no, no. Please no. Regular ole yarn is perfectly okay for me. :D
  • Friendship Books, decos, slams, etc. I have no use for them.
  • Bugs and insects. Ick.
  • Anything childish, really.

Favorite Scents

I'm kind of a hippie, I think.

  • Vanilla sandalwood.
  • Anything patchouli.
  • Sandalwood is also one of my favorites. Arabian Sandalwood is very delicious smelling.
  • I love woodsy, "hippie" type scents.
  • I also like any scents Indian inspired. (Indian = India) (They have a lovely fragrance oil out called India Musk that makes my heart sing.)
  • Be Enchanted by Bath & BodyWorks.
  • I do not like floral scents. They are too strong and cause my skin to break out. Please do not send me floral scents - I will not be able to keep them. :(

Favorite Books

My current favorite author is Haruki Murakami and my current favorite book is Jitterbug Perfume by Tom Robbins (and has been for a very long time - I need to find an actual paperback copy. All I have is the digital.).

A couple authors I REALLY enjoy are Charles Bukowski, Hunter S. Thompson, Chuck Palahniuk, Edgar Allan Poe, Francesca Lia Block and so many more.

I absolutely adore graphic novels and Ben Templesmith is my favorite graphic artist of that whole genre. I have a copy of Bram Stoker's Dracula that was illustrated by Ben that rocks my socks in all sorts of ways. My favorite of his original work is Wormwood: Gentleman Corpse. His art is just... AMAZING. ♥ I do like more than Ben's work (like Lenore, the Cute Little Dead Girl), though! Feel free to share the ones you love to read. ^_^

I collect old (and new!) paperbacks. I love the feel, the smell, everything about them. I can't get enough.

Some of my favorite topics: Poetry (dirty, surreal, odd, grotesque, adult, erotic, odd), Alternate History, Biographies (if the person is interesting in any sort of way.), Erotica, Mystery, Surreal, Horror, History (I love reading about the history of dark times/ages and stuff along those lines), Historical Fiction, Wizards, Nuns (being evil). Anything dark, slightly warped and mysterious, really. And anything that makes me think is welcome.

I am a huge mystery buff, too.

Books on Buddhism and Hinduism are always welcome.

As long as you do not send me any romance, science fiction, anything politics/war/government or conspiracy (unless it's religious conspiracy - I'll read those) books, I'm happy.

If you are sending me a book, please no movie covers. I prefer the original (like Memoirs of a Geisha, White Oleander, etc). Thank you.

Project Granny's Doily

-0/1000 Collected- -Started 09.04.2013.-

I want to make a very large blanket/wall hanging for my soon to be craft room with nothing but crocheted/knitted granny squares and doilies (knit squares are welcome, too). Any color, any fiber, any size.

Like this and this.

If you would like to do a private swap and send me a granny or doily, please PM me.

I'd love to collect squares and doilies from all over the world!

If you're sending me a granny square or doily, could you please leave a very long tail for sewing on the last round (unless, of course, it's vintage or used/stash/etc!)? Thank you!

Vintage and used/stash/etc (just please be clean) are more than welcome!

Please note that I would adore ANY squares and doilies, not just squares like in the below pic. I like odd and unusual / not your typical things. ^_^ (Just please no novelty yarn like the furry and fuzzy kind.)


Picture Credit


Comment: Thank you for the lovely square!
Comment: Thank you, I love them. Almost my closest swap to home!!
Response: I'm so glad you like them! And thank you for the heart! ^^
Comment: Thanx for the dish cloths. Love the color!!!
Response: I'm so glad! ^^ Thank you for the heart!
estromberg rated for Vintage Postcard Swap on Mar 1, 2010
Comment: Thanks for the great replacement card!! I love Orchids! E :)
Response: I'm so glad the second one showed up! :D:D And I'm happyhappy that you like the Orchids!
junemoon rated for Write Me A Poem.... on Mar 1, 2010
Comment: Special thanks for remailing -- no, I definitely had not received this before. Your adjectives and adverbs are really perfect for the poem.
Response: Thank you so much. :) I sent a different poem the first time - so if it shows up, yay! :D
sebastian122 rated for Vintage Postcard Swap on Feb 21, 2010
Comment: I wish I could give 5 hearts. Thanks for going above and beyond!!!
Response: I really wanted you to get a postcard, darn it! :D I'm glad you finally got it.
Comment: love the bookmark!
jessmarie rated for 2010 Postcard swap #2 - February on Feb 8, 2010
Comment: thank you.
Comment: Loved these, thanks so much for making them for me, they are really cute. My daughter likes them too. :) Thanks for the pin and ring too, very cute.
Comment: Thank you very much for my package! Especially love my journal ;)
handprinted rated for Poetry Swap on Aug 27, 2009
Comment: Sorry it's taken me so long to rate. I received your envelope several days ago, and tucked it into my purse to read later. When I went back, I couldn't find the envelope, but I did receive it, and I didn't want to withhold rating just because my purse is a frightening abyss. Thanks for participating!
Response: I hope you find it. I put two poems in on some lovely cards. :D
Comment: Thank you for the beautiful poem, super! You are a real poet.
Response: Thank you :D
Comment: thank you loved the poem
Response: I'm glad. Thank you. :)
Comment: Thanks so much Amanda, cute card! The wig matches exactly! I love it.
Response: I'm so glad you liked it. :) I was hoping you would. :) Thank you for the heart. :)
Boupie rated for Wrist Warmers - International!! on Aug 19, 2009
Comment: Wow, that was fast! They are amazing and the button jewelry is awesome! I am going to use the airplane at work (I work at an aerospace academy) and maybe teach my kids how to make them. Thanks!
Response: Thank you for the heart. :) I'm glad you liked them! I had a hard time deciding which kind of warmers to make you. :) I see I chose the right one. :) The buttons are REALLY easy to make. :) The kids would love making them!
StwbyQT rated for Postcard Penpals! International! on Aug 19, 2009

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
5.0000 35 16 19
Completed Fives Threes Ones
38 53 0 0
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
0 9 6 23
View all

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  • the user is not currently in any swaps :(

Currently Hosting

  • the user is not hosting any current swaps


FunsizeSteph on Sep 13, 2013:

Dirty Dancing is amazing!!

tokyoloveletters on Feb 16, 2010:

Ooh, I love Girls With Slingshots and Octopus Pie! And I remember reading Ugly Hill once in a comic anthology that raised money for the Hurricane Katrina Relief fund. Chester 5000 and What Birds Know looks really good! I'll have to get started on those. :)

One other last-minute recommend: Rob and Eliot www.robandeliot.cycomics.com

tokyoloveletters on Feb 11, 2010:

Ack! Sorry, sometimes I forget I have comments on my sidebar. (-_-;)

Indeed! I have quite a few. There are the other ones I have listed on my page:

Questionable Content-very good and funny; the characters are easy to become attached to. Some people are confused by sporadic indie band/Dune references, though. Johnny Wander: very, very funny and cute. It's about the artist+friends, so there's not a storyline to follow like A<3M, but it's good nonetheless. My Cardboard Life-another funny one. The artwork is also very interesting, especially for Swap-Botters who like crafts. :)

Some I didn't list are Wasted Talent, which is really cute. http://www.wastedtalent.ca/ Shortpacked! is a funny one with some interesting twists. http://www.shortpacked.com/ Ooh! And Kukuburi! It's much more fantasy-oriented, but the art is beautiful and the story is very intriguing. http://www.kukuburi.com/

Do you have any recommends for me? :) I've been trying to find myself a replacement for my Anders Loves Maria fix, but that's a difficult task.

tokyoloveletters on Feb 6, 2010:

Oooh, I know. But it was also so endearing to see new Maria acting like old Maria. sigh I'm going to miss those characters.

tokyoloveletters on Feb 5, 2010:

Another A<3M fan! This is so exciting. :D Can you believe that finale, though? Beautiful...but heartbreaking.

hollycm6 on Feb 4, 2010:

A henna friend! I don't have many of those!!

TheBigB on Feb 2, 2010:

Yeah, man, one of the neatest love stories. ever. Have you ever seen Benny and Joon?

TheBigB on Feb 1, 2010:

GASP! I friggen love that movie so much! I ALSO LOVE NAMASTE YOGA! Don't have cable anymore though :( You seem neat, hello!

hollycm6 on Jan 28, 2010:

I love ee cummings.. that is one of my favorite quotes of his! :)

vitaminD on Oct 6, 2009:

I'm bouncing around and I can't help but comment how neat-o I find it that you alphabetized your Like list. Utterly geeky of me.


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