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The DC for Jane's Fall Swap (on postal pop over at said your package got to you Monday. Did you like it?
Thank you for being such a good coordinator for the everythingyoulike swap! I gave you a star since I can't rate you for sending the extra package.
Hi there! I'm just hoping that my fabric postcard, which I mailed on the 18th, made it to you okay.
NO Problem. Thanks for the heads up. How were finals? Brenda
Can't believe I did that! finals FINAL_S! I'll practice. In the meantime, keep working. Brenda
Hope you're well. Peru is north of us here in Brazil. I look forward to seeing your card. Is it fainals week for you? Brenda
You have just one more week to sign up for the Shutterbugs first swap. Won't you come join us?
Thanks! :)
I forgot to tell you I loved your 25 days of Christmas swap. It was fun opening everything. Di
Hi there Stephanie. Just wanna inform you that I sent the 100 Places I've Been swap today. Hope you'll receive it soon. =)
Page 1 of boxsquat's Comments
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The DC for Jane's Fall Swap (on postal pop over at said your package got to you Monday. Did you like it?
Thank you for being such a good coordinator for the everythingyoulike swap! I gave you a star since I can't rate you for sending the extra package.
Hi there! I'm just hoping that my fabric postcard, which I mailed on the 18th, made it to you okay.
NO Problem. Thanks for the heads up. How were finals? Brenda
Can't believe I did that! finals FINAL_S! I'll practice. In the meantime, keep working. Brenda
Hope you're well. Peru is north of us here in Brazil. I look forward to seeing your card. Is it fainals week for you? Brenda
You have just one more week to sign up for the Shutterbugs first swap. Won't you come join us?
Thanks! :)
I forgot to tell you I loved your 25 days of Christmas swap. It was fun opening everything. Di
Hi there Stephanie. Just wanna inform you that I sent the 100 Places I've Been swap today. Hope you'll receive it soon. =)