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craftgasm on Oct 12, 2010:

I'm hosting a city view postcard exchange (mostly for my fiance, who loves those aerial images of cities and towns). Come see if you're interested in joining! http://www.swap-bot.com/swap/show/74830

Jaemac on Aug 7, 2010:

Hey Crafty, I was in the blogger follower swap with you. You left a rating on my profile telling me you didn't know whether I followed you or blogged about you. I left a comment on your July 23 blog post telling you that your blog Faith, hope love would be added to my wednesday blog post, here...http://www.justaddwatersilly.com/2010/07/pay-it-forward.html

I am one of your followers, Jennifer McLean. Best, Jenn

Mysticsweetness on May 5, 2010:

Please can you PM me when you next check online. I have sent you PM's and not had a reply even though they say they are read.


staceyb on Mar 1, 2010:

Sorry to hear about your job loss and having to move. I hope everything goes smooth and you get everything worked out! :)

xxkarenlxx on Feb 22, 2010:

It is cool that we live so close. When I saw your address I thought, "Dang, if I knew her better I could drop these off on the way to visit hubby at work one day."

Maybe we could get together to craft one day if you are so inclined. No pressure. Just a possibility if our schedules have a coinciding bit of free time some day.

xxkarenlxx on Feb 19, 2010:

Thank you for the birthday card. It looks good enough to eat. :)

LisaLisa3 on Feb 18, 2010:

Thank you so much for the great postcards from the February wishlist. I really appreciate them!! You are very kind. : )

biasbabe on Feb 17, 2010:


To the Nuts for Sewing Group

spinweaver on Feb 17, 2010:

Thank you for the adorable notecards you kindly sent me for my Feb. Wishlist gift. I'll use them and remember you!

tennesseehoney on Feb 16, 2010:

Thank you foe Angeling the" New Years Extravaganza", that was very sweet of you.

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