Swap-bot Time: July 27, 2024 1:35 am


Date Joined: September 2, 2009
Last Online: July 26, 2024
Birthday: June 22
Country: United States
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About Me

I'm going to be moving...just a few miles, really...but I'm old and it takes everything I have to pack up and move, so I'll be polishing off the swaps on my dashboard and not hosting for awhile. Wish me well, my friends!

Hello! I'm Donetta, in Portland, Oregon. I was born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area and lived there most of my life. I moved to Portland in 1992, to Vancouver (Washington) in 2012, and except for a 2-year hiatus in Dover, Delaware and a 4-year residence in Grand Rapids, MI, I have lived in the Pacific Northwest for (oh my!) over 30 years (yes, I am old!). Love it, love it, love it...I honestly feel like I should have been born here!

I have three adult children, five grandchildren, and although my daughter and her family live in Idaho, we are very close and chat at least weekly and often more frequently than that. I recently lost my little Persian kitty, Cocopuff, and quite honestly my heart is broken. Now it's just me and Cali, who is a young cat and quite kittenish in behavior. We were both very attached to our Mademoiselle Cocopuff, and it's a big adjustment.

I enjoy spending time with friends and family...and I also love my "alone time", when I craft to my heart's content.

My home is extremely important to me; it's my haven, my joy, and the place I feel most relaxed. I enjoy decorating for the different seasons and holidays, and my home is a reflection of my style and personality. I love items with a vintage look, rich wood tones, vintage linens, and roosters. I'm a thrift store fanatic, and have found some wonderful treasures for my home.

Favorite Crafts

I have had a thriving little jewelry business, and before I moved to Michigan, I sold my wares at two salons in the Portland area, as well as at a boutique In Oregon City. I design for two international bead companies, and love the creative process. I've recently opened an Etsy shop and an Amazon Handmade shop!

My jewelry has a classic look; I love vintage-looking findings and beads, and use lots of crystals, pearls, and antiqued copper, silver, and gold wire and findings. I enjoy making wire wrapped jewelry, and am working to perfect the art of polymer clay beads...they can be amazingly beautiful!

I make cards as well, using my Spellbinders machine and adding embellishments such as ribbon, sequins, pearls, and paper and silk flowers. I used to take classes (card making, mostly) at a local scrapbooking store, but the store went out of business...and now I use Pinterest and You Tube for inspiration and lessons!

I spend part of each day stitching...I have a project rotation list that contains cross stitch, needlepoint, hardanger, crewel embroidery, and redwork, as well as knitting and crochet. My latest interest is crazy quilting; I am addicted!

I enjoy making and receiving ATCs...they are such a great way to practice new techniques on a small scale. I get inspiration from the beautiful cards I receive, and enjoy seeing my own style evolve and become more sophisticated with time.

My sewing and craft room is my favorite room; it's the closest thing to a treasure chest I'll ever find!

Things I like

My favorite place in the world is my home, but Vancouver Island runs a close second. I have friends who live on Vancouver Island, and it is my favorite place to visit.

Favorite colors...so hard to choose! My home is decorated in deep red, yellow/gold, some blue, and mossy green...Tuscan or Provencal colors! I love buttons, and use them extensively in my crafts. I love flowers...roses, hydrangeas, and dahlias, plus any other beauties I find locally to add to my patio garden.

Extras: people either love 'em or hate 'em...I happen to adore sending and receiving "extras" in my swap envelopes. I usually check profiles to see if I have any readily available items that my swap partner might enjoy receiving...little things that are flat (ish) and easy to include in a standard envelope. Some of the things I love to receive are old book pages...especially in foreign languages, snippets of sheet music, lengths of wonderful washi tape, and random embellishments such as bits of ribbon and trim, rhinestones and pearls, etc. I make inchies, twinchies, ATCs, and rolos...I make use of little pieces that might otherwise be thrown away. If I receive something I think I might not use, I save it for someone who loves that sort of thing...I have never understood swappers who say they will only accept certain items, or they will withhold a heart if what they receive isn't to their liking. What...why? Extras are just that...EXTRA! Be gracious, people. It costs nothing to say "thank you" when someone has cared enough to include a treat...even if it isn't your kind of treat!

Super Swappers

Rather than listing flakers, I'm taking something I've seen on other profiles, and listing those extra-special, super swappers...you know the ones I mean: when you see an envelope with this person's name on the return address, your heart sings!

Arabella (Nancy), who creates such gorgeous works of art that I'm constantly challenged to find the right words of thanks. Beautiful, beautiful ATCs. An inspiration.

Tigermousecat (Bev), who is the most wonderful of swap partners, and a dear friend...from afar. Bev creates beautiful works of art and sends the loveliest little letters with each swap. She is kind and generous, in addition to being a fabulous swap partner.

Isabellasnow (Kristy)...an amazing swap partner! Her work is beautiful, and every possible detail is polished and perfect. Packaging is Kristy's special gift...it's absolutely as beautiful as the artwork inside.

Hate to mention...

Really, I do hate to mention my few actual dislikes, but it's helped me to read this on other profiles...it gives me a better insight into what sort of extras and RAKs to send. So here goes: not fond at all of cutesy stuff (Precious Moments, big-eyed children, Disney to name a few). Intensely dislike cigarette smoke and flashing icons...these are migraine triggers for me. Lights and certain smells, oh my. And of course it goes without saying (but here I am, saying it) that I am never in favor of poorly planned and executed artwork. Construction paper, crayons, and silly stickers do not belong here, imho!

One more thing...something that makes me sad. Non-raters. I speak for most of us when I say that we put a lot into our artwork. A lot of time, special embellishments that can be quite expensive for an addict such as myself...even postage is expensive! I do this because I love it, and because it makes me happy to receive good ratings and lovely comments. To fail to rate is more than rude...it's unkind.


Comment: What a sweet image of a girl opening her present at Xmas. The next Coin has been posted - hope you can find time to sign up; I think there's an easy one to do of the two choices. Happy unpacking!?!
Comment: Thanks so much for this beautiful Hummingbirds page, the birds are lovely and the background is perfect. l love them l have four feeders and have lots of them coming to them at all times. Thanks for the extras too. These pictures you send are all so cool l love the black white ones, l put all of them in my journal. Good luck with your move be safe. Hugs
Response: I'm so happy to have made you happy! Thank you for the sweet comment and great rating!
Gwillisinc rated for USAPC: Scrap Tags! on Jul 21, 2024
Comment: As Always Donetta, you never disappoint Thank you!
Response: More are coming. I pinky swear (my own 2 pinkies...as good as a contract!)
Comment: As usual your work is flawless, hope your headaches have been doing better than mine!
Response: I am so sorry about your migraines! I'm having my quarterly Botox injections tomorrow, as a matter of fact, and they are helpful. The most helpful thing of all (other than the rescue meds) is the beta blocker the neurologist put me on awhile ago. And thank you for the lovely compliment...you absolutely made my week!
Comment: As always, you do such a lovely job! Thank you so much. Hope everything goes well with your move.
Response: The best part about this swap for me was seeing my partner's name! Thank you for all the lovely words, my friend...IOU a message, and it will happen soon (can't believe I forget to include a note; it's not like me!)...I am in so much pain from packing that I could cry. Well some evenings I do cry. And then my one remaining kitty cuddles with me and my ice pack in bed, and everything is good again!
Bramble rated for ACTs: Happy Bee's ATC on Jul 11, 2024
Comment: Love the bee card, thanks so much!
Response: Thank you so much for the sweet comment and great rating!
Comment: Oh D! These two ink box cards! I absolutely love how you had all those little penguins and then positioned them so that the card is almost 3 dimensional. Great background and a perfect sentiment. This is such a keeper! And Toucan Sam (my kids used to love Fruit Loops and he was the spokes bird!) - what a handsome and colorful fellow. And the background on this one is so great, so interesting and so much to see. Do you ever think how much fun it would be to watch someone at work in their craft room amongst all their supplies and materials? I think that about you with these two . And good luck with the move - where are you going? Staying in Portland and just new digs or moving to another city? Hope it all goes smoothly and I will look forward to you being back on Swapbot. Thanks for the extra goodies and another awesome black and white photo - this one is too funny! Maybe they just could not get this poodle to stand still any other way!
Response: Well, Laurie, I think that's exactly why we are so transfixed by YouTubers! We get to see them working at their craft tables! It's not as much fun as it would be if they were "real", if you know what I mean. "Damn, I just put that down! Where on earth has that roll of washi gone? WHY do I say I thrive in chaos, yet complain bitterly when I can't find this or that". And then, if we could see the real chaos, even more entertaining! Mine would be especially entertaining, because I am a stacker. And I never seem to realize that tall stacks with a bunch of small stuff below a bunch of big stuff...well, it's a disaster in the making! Ah...my move. I should be tickled pink about it, but I wasted a lot of time being almost resentful about it! It wasn't my idea! My BFF who died a year ago in August has a mom, an auntie, and a sister who all live in a very nice 55+ community a few miles from me, and they want me to live there, too. I said I couldn't move...I don't have money saved for a deposit and first month's rent and the movers and all. (When I moved from MI to OR, it cost $6500.) OMG, they are paying for all of it! And the amenities are much better. I just...well, I'm kind of agoraphobic, and my little space is exactly how I want it (except for the craft desk), So my back is killing me from packing, and I'm feeling horrible about looking a gift horse in the mouth! I'll get over myself, I really will.
Poeprincess rated for TIMs: Fairy Twinchies (1:2) on Jul 10, 2024
Comment: Such beautiful little forest creatures! You have such a way of picking just the right elements to accent your creations! Thank you so much for the Twinchies & the extras, my friend, and I hope your move is a success.
Response: Oh I love fairies. I mean...I LOVE them! I had the best time making these for you, and I hope you'll put this theme into your rotation so we can periodically live in fairyland!
Comment: These are superb Coins! Love the bird images, the embellishments and the “Donetta touches” you always manage to wow me with! Your extras are something I can truly use. Wishing you an easy transition with your relocation, my friend.
Response: Thank you so much, dear Di. I'm packing as I write this (of course not literally), and with my spinal issues and *other* significant issues, I have worked out a system that might work...if I follow it. Pack a box, sit at the craft table for one little project. Repeat. I have completed all the swaps on my dashboard that are (were) due by the end of June, but I belong to the Mixed Media Artists group, which is a round-robin group. One person makes 3 ATC backgrounds (there's a separate sub-group for things other than ATCs), and sends it to someone else. That person fleshes out a theme and sends the trio on to a third person, who finishes the designs. So. I have these projects that need to be worked on, which I'm not packing until I have to!
Comment: Hi D and this bear index card is amazing and very different from your style - I love the layers and texture, background and the mama and baby bear cub. Sometimes I feel like everything I make looks the same so this gives me reason to be optimistic that I can make something that looks different but amazing! And that little kid's photo! What a smirk this kid has on his face. Makes me wonder what he just got away with! Always a treat to find mail from you in my mailbox!
Response: The bears were difficult for me! Not the images, but the surroundings. Hopefully I will have a better time with the skunk!
Comment: These cards are so amazing!!! How lucky for me to be your partner!! That rooster reminds me of one my mom used to have - "Don't mess with me or I will peck your eyes out!!!" The wood ducks are so much cuter than their name makes you think they would be!! Thank you!! And thank you for the extras! Love the photo of the man feeding the deer!!
Response: I adore roosters (of the decorative sort…ceramic and cross stitch)! My kitchen has roosters all over. I’m so happy you like the cards I sent!
lukeyduke rated for AACG: 4 of Clubs APC on Jul 4, 2024
Comment: Very beautiful card, Donetta! Thank you!
Response: Kathie, it’s been such a long time…I was thrilled to see your name!
Comment: Always a pleaser to receive your cards Thank you again, and i will see you again.
Response: LOL…I figure we will be partners at least a few more times during our Christmas marathon! It’s always a pleasure to swap with you.
Comment: I love the cards thank you much ,
Response: Thank you so much, Vicky. You are a treasure of a swap partner!
Camiliann rated for AACG: Inkbox Card Book, Part 6 on Jul 2, 2024
Comment: thanks for the lovely set of items!! and for the extras, I have enjoyed swapping with you for years!!! have a wonderful weekend
Response: We truly are old friends, aren’t we? It’s been delightful, and I’m hoping for many more years of beautiful swaps!
Comment: Thanks for this beautiful birdie tag and all the extras! Hope you are getting through your grieving process! The pain does dull with time. You just have to work, (and yes it is work) through it. Sending prayers of comfort. Hugs from Alaska, Sherry
Response: Sherry, you are simply lovely…thank you for sending not just a compliment, but also words of comfort. I badly need those.
JuneRosebud rated for USAPC: 3 Elements ATC #93 on Jun 29, 2024
Comment: Pretty ATC, Donetta; it was worth the wait. Thank you for the bits & bobs, too=)
Response: I’m so happy to have madd you happy! Thank you for the great rating!
Comment: Beautiful as always! Thanks for extras! I had a good time in AZ-loved the pool time. Its hard to get back into routine now that I'm home but the kitties were glad to have me back!! Take care-pets to kitties!!
Response: Well…I’m also happy that you’re back home! Thank you for the sweet comment and great rating, my lovely friend!
kendall rated for MFF: William Morris Bird ATC Coin on Jun 25, 2024
Comment: Donetta, the coin you sent is gorgeous. I love the wheat grass embellishment. It makes the whole thing sing (pun intended). Thank you for that and the extras which are wonderful. The photo is quite interesting. One thing I think for sure is that they must be cold! Is the paper in Russian, too? My day got a lot brighter when your mail came.
Response: Your whole comment is one big compliment...thank you so much for that! I can't exactly remember, but I think I may have sent you a book page in Greek...which looks to me like a rose smells. It's the most decorative script!
Arabella rated for AACG: Inkbox Card Book, Part 8 on Jun 25, 2024
Comment: It always makes me smile when I see a swap from the amazing donetta in my mailbox!! I know there will be treasures inside and I am never disappointed!!! These inkbox beauties are so pretty! Love the beautiful women and and the beautiful roses!!! Thank you so much, dear friend!!!
Response: Thank you, my dear friend! I'm absolutely in love with the inkbox booklets and the wonderful way they are bound. Here's to many more of them!

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
5.0000 4353 918 943
Completed Fives Threes Ones
4230 4475 0 0
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
18 81 4131 0
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MissChief on Feb 8, 2024:

Thank you for the precious journal gift. it is over the top vintage and I am so honored to have your work. Do you visit much to Idaho? I'd love to thank you in person when you do!

hibiscus on Feb 9, 2023:

My Parisian tag is tres magnifique..beautiful and thank you❤️

hibiscus on Aug 31, 2022:

lucky me ...i got two donetta cards in one envelope...you are a truly talented artist...thank yu

Barbara on Jun 21, 2022:

Thank you Donetta for the paper doll resend! Your collage journal pages tell sweet little stories.Watch for some happy mail coming your way!

hibiscus on Jun 2, 2022:

Your attention to detail and your perfectly chosen elements really make your swaps so amazing … lucky me !!

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