Thanks for sending my boyfriends mom another postcard for the wishlistgroup, she`s always so happy when she receives mail:), I will upload a picture of her with your card on my flickr. , tomorrow!
Thank you for the teeny tiny jawbones - so delicate! They were packaged in so many layers that I first thought you had very cleverly sent me something that was ultimately only layers of wrapping, and devised a neat little item based purely on my love of opening mail. :D
Oh my wow! The bacon magnets are so realistic that I nearly gagged thinking about it too much. :o) Obviously it wasn't a severe love of bacon that inspired me to mark them as a favorite, but rather the interest factor. Can't wait to see what they'll look like on the fridge -- like raw bacon slapped up there, I imagine! :o) Thanks!!
Seriously, like the hallelujah, winged, glowing halo kind:)
I can not thank you enough for the amazingly beautiful, thoughtful, generous gift you've sent me.
Thanks so much for the new bento box and sauce bottles! Good timing, too - the one I have has gotten pretty worn, high time to switch it out. Do you know offhand if I can microwave it?
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Thanks for your comment. I'm glad to know you like them. Have a nice weekend.
Thanks for sending my boyfriends mom another postcard for the wishlistgroup, she`s always so happy when she receives mail:), I will upload a picture of her with your card on my flickr. , tomorrow!
Thank you for the teeny tiny jawbones - so delicate! They were packaged in so many layers that I first thought you had very cleverly sent me something that was ultimately only layers of wrapping, and devised a neat little item based purely on my love of opening mail. :D
Oh my wow! The bacon magnets are so realistic that I nearly gagged thinking about it too much. :o) Obviously it wasn't a severe love of bacon that inspired me to mark them as a favorite, but rather the interest factor. Can't wait to see what they'll look like on the fridge -- like raw bacon slapped up there, I imagine! :o) Thanks!!
Thank you so much for the quote pc for my November Wishlist! The unicorn pc is adorable and I loved the quote you chose!!
You are an ANGEL!!!
Seriously, like the hallelujah, winged, glowing halo kind:)
I can not thank you enough for the amazingly beautiful, thoughtful, generous gift you've sent me.
Thank you, Julie, for the Etsy favorite! I've been eyeing that soap for a long time now. Used it this morning and...ooh, la la!
Thanks so much for the nice postcard you send to my boyfriends mom for the october wishlist, she loves it!
Thanks so much for the new bento box and sauce bottles! Good timing, too - the one I have has gotten pretty worn, high time to switch it out. Do you know offhand if I can microwave it?