Nah, I'll just quit commenting on the public forum I guess. I'm ill right now too, so maybe I'm just overly sensitive. :( Anyway, I just added (and took-away) a bunch on my profile likes and dislikes and if people can't find SOMEthing on there that they have in their stash, then...I don't know what to say... :]
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Tomorrow is National Ice Cream Sandwich Day! I'm sending you this greeting a day early so you can get the necessary items to celebrate tomorrow. :)

Thank you for the awesome comment in the PF. I really appreciate it! Nice to officially 'meet' you =) Talk to you soon!
I love Swagbucks too!
Nah, I'll just quit commenting on the public forum I guess. I'm ill right now too, so maybe I'm just overly sensitive. :( Anyway, I just added (and took-away) a bunch on my profile likes and dislikes and if people can't find SOMEthing on there that they have in their stash, then...I don't know what to say... :]
Thank you for the comment on the forum. I was beginning to think I should just quit SB. :/
Wishing you a happy spring ♡
Hey dahlink! How are ya!?!?
I hope you had a great Easter sweetie!! xoxo♥