Hi Kayla, Still haven't heard from you if you've received the ATC for ATC Freaks Sender's Choice I sent it 2 weeks ago tomorrow. We messaged back and forth last weekend and just want to be sure it's at your house! :) Hope you are doing well! Happy Halloween! Bonnie
ok then i wont laminate it b/c it might do something funky in the frame like that.. I will leave it as-is and will be mailing on Monday :) So happy you are pleased with it and I hope that I have honored her memory :)
Sorry it took so long to get back to you. The picture for your ATC came from Google. I just typed in "vintage halloween" and they showed up. Creepy, huh? I read a little about it and the story is that it was in bad taste to have a picture of yourself or something. So the ladies would pose with a sheet over thenselves. ??????
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Hi Kayla, Still haven't heard from you if you've received the ATC for ATC Freaks Sender's Choice I sent it 2 weeks ago tomorrow. We messaged back and forth last weekend and just want to be sure it's at your house! :) Hope you are doing well! Happy Halloween! Bonnie
thank you :) are you on my facebook?? I just posted a video a day or two ago of my little fat dog doing tricks :)
ok then i wont laminate it b/c it might do something funky in the frame like that.. I will leave it as-is and will be mailing on Monday :) So happy you are pleased with it and I hope that I have honored her memory :)
Since u are going to frame the piece I am sending I- do U want it laminated??
Thank you for your kind words on my comment column. I had a blast making the ATC and I was happy to send it.
Sorry it took so long to get back to you. The picture for your ATC came from Google. I just typed in "vintage halloween" and they showed up. Creepy, huh? I read a little about it and the story is that it was in bad taste to have a picture of yourself or something. So the ladies would pose with a sheet over thenselves. ??????
Happy Birthday - sorry its a day late and that I dont know how to post a pretty picture. I have sent you a little something in the mail.
I sent your ATCs to you today. I hope you like them. One, in particular, is my favorite. Let me know if you want to do another private swap sometime!