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Page 7 of ladyofunicorns's Comments

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user2637 on Jul 24, 2013:

Hey Teresa, Just wanted to remind you the 10 books email swap is due in a few hours! Hopefully you'll get an email from this or remember. Cheers.

PokerHontaz on Jul 12, 2013:

Thank u very much for Angeling my swap for "Easy Newbie Swap #1"! I really reallyyyyy loved the stickers! :) very appreciated Hugs Happy swapping! :)

msugirl06 on Jun 27, 2013:

*angelling Stupid auto correct!! Ha!

msugirl06 on Jun 27, 2013:

Thanks so much for an telling for me on the Easy Newbie Swap #1. I loved all of the stuff you sent to me! Made me smile so much!! Rating it a 5 for sure with like 3 hearts!!! Would do a swap with you anytime!! Thanks again!! :D

ImzadiRose on Apr 18, 2013:

Just wanted to make sure you received my email for the 5000 Questions swap ~ Part 4. I sent it out on the 7th. I know there is still sometime until the deadline but I have had some emails not get to the person, so I always like to check after it's been a week or two. Please let me know if you did not receive it so I can resend.

WendySue on Mar 30, 2013:

nginn1 on Feb 18, 2013:

I dropped off you postcards today for the "5 touristy postcards from your state" swap, but there is no mail today so it will not go out until tomorrow. Just wanted to let you know, I hope you enjoy the cards!

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