I am "flush with dice" and now I have a set, my son has a set, and my daughter has claimed one as well! My son has decided it's time to design a game that will take advantage of our diceyness. Thank you for your uber generosity :)
I didn't have enough room in the rating area to tell you just how amazing the Miniature Grab Bag #12 package was that you sent. I have to tell you it was a real hoot unwrapping all the bags and packaging! The kitty stickers are adorable and I love the address labels. We just moved into our house this past summer and I don't have any labels yet. And the itty bitty teeny weeny bird and dice are awesome! My son has a dice collection (all sizes and shapes) and is trying to wheedle them out of me...but I'm staying strong :)
Thanks so much for putting so much heart into your package!
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I am "flush with dice" and now I have a set, my son has a set, and my daughter has claimed one as well! My son has decided it's time to design a game that will take advantage of our diceyness. Thank you for your uber generosity :)
THANK YOU SO MUCH for angeling the "Pack of stickers" swap that Sandyxrs flaked on!! you are awesome!!
I didn't have enough room in the rating area to tell you just how amazing the Miniature Grab Bag #12 package was that you sent. I have to tell you it was a real hoot unwrapping all the bags and packaging! The kitty stickers are adorable and I love the address labels. We just moved into our house this past summer and I don't have any labels yet. And the itty bitty teeny weeny bird and dice are awesome! My son has a dice collection (all sizes and shapes) and is trying to wheedle them out of me...but I'm staying strong :) Thanks so much for putting so much heart into your package!
Thanks for being a member of the Crafting Queens~
I like you too :))