Holy Cow!!!!! You are absolutely amazing! What a wonderful package you sent for the Pagan Forum Tag. I have been wanting a set of the sacred geometry crystal sets for a long time!! The oils are wonderful! ...and the ink!! I can't wait to use everything! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!
Thanks so much for the CPG January wishes you sent me. I love all the postcards you sent me...so very nice! I'm especially delighted with the knome postcard...my first one! You made my day special!
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Advice for moving to Vegas? Don't travel alone during the night, stay away from alleyways, and keep your doors locked lol. That's about all.
Big thank you for January wish!!! You made my day! Very nice cards and maxicards!
Thank you Sabrina! I hope things are going better for you as well. ♥
Huge thanks (again)!
for granting another wish for me with the wonderful surprise from my Amazon wishlist- I love the book! :)
Thanks for your sweet note! What cracked me up was you said hope you aren't pulling out your hair over my AP students and what I read was
"Hope you aren't pulling out your armpit hair" and I just sat here for a moment pondering how you knew......
The other two postcards were worth the wait. Thanks for numbers 1 and 2, for my CPG January wishlist! Fascinating list! I'll email you for the pics.
Thank you for the flower cut outs! Some great additions for my project!
TONS of thanks to you
for granting a CPG January wish for me with the very generous package of essential oils!!! SO excited! :)
Holy Cow!!!!! You are absolutely amazing! What a wonderful package you sent for the Pagan Forum Tag. I have been wanting a set of the sacred geometry crystal sets for a long time!! The oils are wonderful! ...and the ink!! I can't wait to use everything! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!
Thanks so much for the CPG January wishes you sent me. I love all the postcards you sent me...so very nice! I'm especially delighted with the knome postcard...my first one! You made my day special!