I have started a discussion on the Handmade Postcard Club forum about the possibility of an interim group since the founder, @TeraBACat hasn't logged on in so long. I hope you will post your thoughts.
I thought I thanked you for this a while ago but I see I did not :( ---- I absolutely ADORE the put and red shoes postcard you made for me! Thanks so much...he is almost balancing them on his nose! :)
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I have started a discussion on the Handmade Postcard Club forum about the possibility of an interim group since the founder, @TeraBACat hasn't logged on in so long. I hope you will post your thoughts.
Hi there, I sent your photo booth swap package today so be on the lookout for the colorfully wrapped parcel:)
Happy birthday! xoxo
I thought I thanked you for this a while ago but I see I did not :( ---- I absolutely ADORE the put and red shoes postcard you made for me! Thanks so much...he is almost balancing them on his nose! :)
im hosting both a modest mouse and yeah yeah yeahs atc swap if youre interested!