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Page 7 of takinghearts's Comments

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valerie520 on Aug 12, 2010:

I got the sticker envie today fr. the 54321 tag---thanks so much!

jannieb on Aug 12, 2010:

i received the ATC's from the "I collect" tag. They are wonderful! Thanks a bunch! JB

JessiPancake on Aug 12, 2010:

I got the PS I Love You postcard today! Thanks so much. :)

auburnite on Aug 10, 2010:

I love how very easy and colorful but also very informative your profile reads. Nursing is a tough curriculum and you are to be admired and commended for your courage and your choice. I do proposal writing for a nursing school and spend much time with new incoming students needing financial help. I do what I can to encourage them to stick with it to graduation. No one seems to like Organic Chemistry! LOL! Sue

Swap: Read Profile/Lv Comment

queenelisheba on Aug 10, 2010:

Hi! I'm your partner for the Read my Profile and Leave a Nice Comment!! swap. Love your detailed profile!! I love the way you spell your name with a Y. I have a few postcards we can trade if you'd like...let me know.

LeosMom4Life on Aug 9, 2010:

You Rock My Friend !! Thank you for the awsome Zentangle ! I added it to my wall of ATC art !! I have somthing going out to you tomarrow !

ladydy5 on Aug 8, 2010:

How sweet of you to include your boyfriend on your profile. I am one of your swappers that gets a comment from me. Please make sure you rate me as reading your profile. Enjoy, I did

biasbabe on Aug 7, 2010:


To The Nuts For Sewing Group

bythelakemom on Aug 6, 2010:

The Delaware post card from the this or that tag arrived. thank you. I've read The Notebook and one other whose name escapes me now.

OpheliaQuilts on Aug 5, 2010:

I recieved the something that changes from the something .... tag. Very cute! :) Thank you!

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