Swap-bot Time: December 17, 2024 5:44 pm

All ratings for DutchTammie

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Peony rated for DARK BLUE postcards on Jul 7, 2010
Comment: I haven't received anything, though you have marked this sent. I sent you a PM but you haven't been online for over a month. I will change the rating if I receive this swap.
Response: Hi Muusikameli... I am so so sorry you didnt receive my candy, and that i wasnt able to react to you till now... Due to personal things that happend i never been able to read this messages in swap bot. Please let me know if you ever got my candy, or ill send you some new candy's cause i hate it when i join a swap and people don receive my stuf! Best wishes Tammie
onlyincambodia rated for DARK BLUE postcards on Jun 20, 2010
Comment: Nothing received. I PM'd you but there was no response. I will re-rate if anything arrives.
nativegan rated for DARK BLUE postcards on Jun 12, 2010
user2637 rated for Paper wallet swap on May 25, 2010
Comment: Please read your partner's profiles more carefully in the future for profile-based swaps. Thank you.
kaz3131 rated for ULTIMATE RIBBON SWAP on May 21, 2010
Comment: Hi Tamara I recieved all my lovely ribbons and trimmings today, thankyou for the homemade card, I will use it at the next school sale.
Response: Glad to hear you liked it! Enjoy it :)

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
3.6667 1 0 0
Completed Fives Threes Ones
5 4 0 2
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
0 2 3 0

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