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Response: The unpleasant correspondence went both ways. I was more that willing to accept a three on a swap that I admitted I didn't thoroughly read and instead only read the title "Christmas/Holiday Card Swap" and, as I was doing multiple swaps, I didn't pay as much attention as I should have. I naturally assumed Christmas cards meant just that :Christmas greeting cards. I did receive communication from her and then replied, telling her that I couldn't send until a week later and asking politely what rating I could expect when I sent her homemade PCs. She responded with what, to my mind, seemed an unnecessary attitude about how she was being kind enough to allow me to send her homemade PCs despite the fact that I had already requested the three that I deserved. My response did indicate that she need not be concerned, as I would do an excellent job on the PCs. Then she responded that she didn't appreciate my attitude in print, accused me of being passive/aggressive, which shows how little she knows me, and no longer wanted anything from me. I agreed that the respect she apparently expected from me for going so far out of her way allow me to make up a swap that I was willing to take a 3 on, didn't seem to be mutual and told her to go ahead and give me the three I was already willing to accept since I'd admitted from the start that it was my responsibility to read the body of the swap and not just the misleading title, which has since been edited to more clearly reflect the actual parameters of the swap.
So she's right on the last point. The whole mess did become far more of a hassle than it needed to be. She should have just honored my request and given me the three since it was my honest mistake and would have saved us both unneeded irritation and misunderstanding.