Swap-bot Time: December 26, 2024 7:11 pm

Hearts ratings for sweetxhoneyxbee

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kimberlees rated for Movie Music Magic Mix CD on Nov 26, 2008
Comment: Thank you for the great mix :) I haven't seen some of these movies, but I think I might have to check them out now. Loved the robot drawing too. I was having a bad day yesterday and he definetly made me smile :) <3!
Comment: I adore this CD. It is scary how close this mix was to the one I sent. A lot of the songs were used on mine too. Thank you so much!
kingalexander rated for Songs That Stir Your Soul on Oct 9, 2008
Comment: I just finished listening to it all - its' not too mellow! Good Damien Rice and Jeff Buckley choices (a couple of my favorite artists actually). Jeff Buckley sounds a lot like my favorite band Ours. Their singer was friends with him actually before he died. Check them out - you might like it!
thelydia rated for The # CD Swap on May 13, 2008
Comment: Doing them all in order! That was a tall order! *high five* Thanks!
willowsmarika rated for Musical Scavenger Hunt 3 on Apr 17, 2008
Comment: Thanks for the awesome CD!!! :)
Response: You're so very welcome! I had such a blast making it! :)
eolianchild rated for Musical Scavenger Hunt 3 on Apr 12, 2008
Comment: I loved the CD.. yours was the reason why i signed up for Swap bot. Can you email me your address. I want to send you something!! :D
Response: Ah... :D Too sweet! Thank you! So glad you enjoyed it!

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
5.0000 6 0 0
Completed Fives Threes Ones
7 9 0 0
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
0 0 0 7

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