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Page 9 of BeautifulMess's Comments

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forever0lost on Jan 2, 2011:

well at least you have it all worked out for either way, do they all enjoy running around and playing together out of cages ? are you upto much this week ?

forever0lost on Jan 1, 2011:

aww thats to bad, are you feeling better now ? for christmas i got a photo printer (i havnt used it yet but im looking forward to printing my own pictures) a new phone, some recipe books lots of pajammas and some sweets and new cute notepads. what did you get for christmas? letting chinese lanterns off sounds fun to bad you dont know where they went to. do you plan to get more guinea pigs or do you have enough with the ones you have ? where do you keep them ?

forever0lost on Jan 1, 2011:

hey, after reading your profile you are right we do have common :), my christmas was good thanks how was yours ? your guinea pigs are soo cute oh and happy new year

Keaniebean on Dec 29, 2010:


I hope you had a lovely Christmas, I sent you some things in the post as part of the RAK thread in UK Swap Bot. I hope you like them and they get to you quickly, the post is a bit hit and miss at the moment. I'm waiting on about 12 swaps at the moment and I can't beleive I would be that unlucky as to have been flaked on by that many people ( I hope!). Let me know when they get to you safely, Sarah.x

doortotheriver on Dec 27, 2010:

Hello! Thanks for your comment, sorry it's taken me awhile to reply. It's lovely to hear from you, we seem to have quite a lot in common. Your guinea pigs are adorable, omgosh! I have two piggles myself :) I can't think of much to say because I'm so utterly exhausted after Christmas! How are you doing? xx

RyeRye on Dec 24, 2010:

click HERE

mum2boys82 on Dec 21, 2010:

Thank you so much for the beautiful Group Christmas tree! Loving the new swaps, can't do these ones but will keep checking for any new ones in Jan! Rebecca Xx

DeniseN10ec on Dec 19, 2010:

Happy Holidays From Shutter Me Up

At the close of another year, we gratefully pause to wish you a warm and happy Holiday Season and a peaceful and prosperous New Year.

Pikachu089 on Dec 17, 2010:

Did you get my tag, For a pen and a postcard?

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