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whowillloveme on Jan 20, 2011:

Thank you for the notebooks!! I really like them. :-) Looking forward to penpalling with you xx

AndrewLips on Jan 18, 2011:

what does this "tags" thing mean??

AndrewLips on Jan 17, 2011:

thanks! really sorry about your mum, i hope you are getting better each day. really, i do. i want to join your cruelty free swapping group. i have a 1, everyone knows why, it never arrived, but im resending. can i join your swap?

Wickett6029 on Jan 16, 2011:

...sending big hugs to you, Nate, and keeping your mum in my thoughts & prayers. Sending good energy your way that things will all work out for you!

doortotheriver on Jan 14, 2011:

Again, I am useless at replying... hello again!

You asked what kind of guinea pigs I have - Owen is definitely a short-haired piggle, he's ginger, two years old in May and very shy :) Patrick, I'm not so sure - he definitely has some long-haired blood in him somewhere, and all his fur is longer than Owen's, but then random tufts (behind his ears, under his legs, on his pigglybutt) are really really long! He's black and white with bits of ginger, just turned one and is very loud and silly with no regard for guinea pig social ettiquette ;) which Owen, as top pig, is most taken aback by! Here's a picture of them (they'd just had a bath, hehe): http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/hs005.snc6/1655481654493175083161967002115113713448141_n.jpg

Sorry to hear you were so unwell over Christmas :( is your cough any better now? My mum's had sinusitis for months and months now and she got really bad just before Christmas as well. Thankfully it's clearing up now.

My Christmas was just... stressy really, with my mum being ill, and her and my brother having a big argument Christmas morning that I had to patch up, which tired me out so much. After that it was okay I guess. I dunno, Christmas is always disappointing, which is a shame because I like the idea of it :( ah well.

What have you been upto lately? :)


ladyaries7 on Jan 13, 2011:

hi there! thank you so much for a wonderful envie of notebooks and stickers and halloween things. i love it all!

whowillloveme on Jan 8, 2011:

Hey, is everything ok? I haven't received the notebooks from you... x

forever0lost on Jan 5, 2011:

its bad that a rabbit would be left to live in a box not nearly big enough :( but its great that you decided to take it and look after it properly! are you going to be adding a picture of her? im sure she will be really happy joining you and your family of pigs :) and i bet shes cute. Last night i was babysitting my cousins little baby shes lovely and it was so much fun. today i am going to post some letters. hope you have fun bonding with Roo

forever0lost on Jan 3, 2011:

i want to take a bit of time looking into them before picking so that i can see how they really work, im thinking about a local childrens charity but im gonna look into them more before deciding. my wee pig is called Trent! i just thought it was good for him

forever0lost on Jan 2, 2011:

i only have one guinea pig just now but he seems oddly happy on his own, he's always watching whats going on around him. lol a new toilet seat, any interesting one or just in need of a new one? not much im working this week then i get 3 weeks holidays im just trying to pick a charity to donate to... i want to do some fundraising events this year maybe every few months so im just trying to pick who to do it for

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