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WELCOME to the New Group on the S-B block ;-) ARTISTIC PROFILE DECO GROUP! You are an officer so please come post a group swap! ;-) ENJOY!!! ;-) Blessings, cc
Hi- I sent you a PM about the "State Map PC Swap" if it got lost along the way please let me know.
A Very Happy Valentine's Day to You!
Valentine's Day profile Decoration swap. Happy Valentine's day, Dawn!
Profile Decoration - My Favorite Quotes
Meowww.. Hope you like these. Frey <3
Here is my Valentine's Pinterest Board!
Ain't Love The Sweetest Thing
Pamela - druideye
Page 8 of HoosierRain's Comments
Back to HoosierRain's profile
WELCOME to the New Group on the S-B block ;-) ARTISTIC PROFILE DECO GROUP! You are an officer so please come post a group swap! ;-)
ENJOY!!! ;-)
Blessings, cc
Hi- I sent you a PM about the "State Map PC Swap" if it got lost along the way please let me know.
A Very Happy Valentine's Day to You!
Valentine's Day profile Decoration swap. Happy Valentine's day, Dawn!
Profile Decoration - My Favorite Quotes
Profile Decoration - My Favorite Quotes
Meowww.. Hope you like these. Frey <3
Here is my Valentine's Pinterest Board!
Ain't Love The Sweetest Thing
Pamela - druideye