Swap-bot Time: July 26, 2024 8:37 pm


Date Joined: May 14, 2010
Last Online: July 26, 2024
Birthday: January 30
Country: United States

About Me

07/08/24 - Hi all! I have rated everything that was received while we were on vacation! Had a blast spending time with the Grandbabies! Our newest one was five weeks old and he is so sweet! Looks just like the men on our side, plus he has blue eyes, so exciting! Thank you for your patience while I was away! ;)

04/22/24 - Hi all! The hubby is having his second knee replacement surgery on Tuesday, April 23, so things may be a tad hectic for a few days. I will do my best to rate timely and ask for your patience with ratings and/or messages. All the best! ;)

03/21/24 - Hi all! I will be out of town on March 22-24 and will not have access to my Happy Mail. I will rate everyone the following week and/or respond to messages. Thank you for your understanding! ;)

01/11/24 - Hi all! I will be out of town January 12-14th and will not have access to my Happy Mail - also the 15th is a US holiday, so no mail that day.

My husband is having knee replacement surgery on January 16, 2024, so things are going to be hectic for several days - I will do my best on getting things rated and commented on ASAP. Please be patient with me, as my hubby is not the best patient, and I am an impatient nurse, so... Prayers for all, please and thank you!! ;)

11/28/23 - Hi all - I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and thank you for your patience on me getting ratings posted! We had a fun trip to CO to see family and I came back with a cold or something, so I am a tad slow on getting stuff done! I have rated everything I have received at this time but I know the mail is running slow, so we all have to be patient! All the best! Hugs and happy Swapping! ;)

11/18/23 - Hi all! I will be out of town from November 19-26 and will not have access to my mail or computer - celebrating Thanksgiving in Colorado Springs, CO with family - yipppeee! I will not get my mail until Monday, November 27 - I will rate and comment on swaps that week. Thank you for your patience and Happy Thanksgiving! ;)

10/27/23 - Hi all! I have rated everything that I received while out of town - thank you for your patience! Hugs and Happy Swapping! ;)

10/23/23 - Hi All! I will be out of town from Tuesday 10/24 through Thursday 10/26, and will not have access to my mail or computer. I will rate when I return, as well as handle any messages received. Thank you for your understanding! Hugs and Happy Swapping! ;)

10/15/23 - Hi all! Had a wonderful trip with the hubby and fur baby! All the swaps I received have been rated, including the electronic ones. If it is not rated, it has not been received as of yet. Thank you again for your patience! Hugs and Happy Swapping!

10/07/23 - Hi all! I am going to be out of town from 10/08/23-10/14/23. I will not have access to my mail or computer; however, I will rate and comment on everything I receive when I am back in town! Thank you for your patience! If I have swaps that come due before I am back, I will mail them along the way, fingers crossed there are no issues! LOL! All the best! Hugs and Happy Swapping! ;)

09/25/23 - Hi all! I am back and have rated everything that I received! Hugs and Happy Swapping! ;)

09/20/23 - Hi all! I will be out of town from 09/21-09/24 and will not have access to my mail or computer. I will rate and get back to everyone as needed the following week! Thank you for your grace and understanding! ;)

09/12/23 - Hi all! Had a wonderful mini vacation and now I am back to swap for a bit before I take another trip next week! LOL! Everything that I have received has been rated! Thank you for your patience! ;)

09/05-23 - Hi all! I will be out of town from the 6th -10th and will not have access to my mail or computer (just my phone) - I will start rating when we get our mail on the 11th. Thank you for your grace and understanding! ;)

07/11/23 - Hi all! I hope you had a wonderful 4th of July! We sure did! I have rated everything that I have received at this point - thank you for your understanding and grace while I was out of town! All the best! Hugs and Happy Swapping! ;)

06/30/23 - Hi all! I will be traveling and out of town from July 1-10. I will not have access to my mail until July 11 and I will take care of ratings at that time. Thank you for your grace and patience! Hope you have a safe and fun 4th of July! Hugs and Happy Swapping! ;)

05/25/23 - Hi all - I have rated everything received while I was out of town! Thank you for your grace and patience while I was enjoying my Yaya time with Jemma! She is 15 months old, busy and a tad loud, like her Yaya! LOL! All the best! ;)

05/16/23 - Hi all - I will be out of town from May 17-24 and will not have access to my Happy Mail. I will catch up on ratings when I return after the 24th. Thank you for your grace and patience while I’m enjoying Yaya time with Jemma! ;)

03/16/23 - Hi all! I am caught up on ratings at this time and I appreciate everyone being so patient with me! Had a wonderful time in CO and my Granddaughter was so much fun! She is a busy baby and I am pretty sure she gets in at least 10,000 steps a day! LOL! Thanks again! ;)

03/07/23 Hi all! I’m finally heading to Colorado Springs tomorrow to see my Granddaughter and her folks and will not have access to my Happy mail until after 03/14. Thank you for your grace and patience while I’m enjoying Yaya time with Jemma! She’s one already-how?? Time slow down please! 🤗✌️🤗

1/12/23- Hi all! I’m going to a scrapbooking/crafting weekend and will not have access to my mail until Monday, Jan. 16. I will get everything rated as soon as possible, thank you for your grace & patience! Hopefully I will get a ton accomplished but…. Lots of visiting, laughing, and eating at these events, so…😂😂😂

Hi all, our sweet Granddaughter (Jemma) was born today - 02/19/22, and I am over the top excited to be a Yaya for the first time! Thank you everyone that has been patient with me chatting about her in my swaps - it might get worse before it gets better! LOL! Please be patient with me! LOL! All the best! Hugs and Happy Swapping! ;)

Moved our youngest son to Crete, NE in October 2021 and we are empty nesters again, except for Miss Greta Mae, our fur baby!!

It is so strange just being the hubby and fur baby here, but we will adjust in time - I guess...

We adopted a puppy (Ms. Greta) on March 9, 2021, and I forgot how much work they are! LOL! She is a sweetheart but I am way older than when we have had puppies in the past and my Mom eyes in the back of my head seem to be gone, so I have to watch her like a hawk or she is into stuff! LOL! This too shall pass and I am enjoying her puppy silliness & all the love she has to share! Thanks for your understanding if I get behind on rating or commenting on your ratings! Hugs and Happy Swapping 😉

My oldest and his family have moved to Colorado Springs, CO over the 2019 Christmas holidays! They are so excited and we have a new place to visit! LOL!

I am married and have two sons, an awesome DIL and a Granddaughter, who will hopefully call me Yaya when she is really talking! I love the thought of scrap-booking and making cards, but have been lacking the energy as of late! Also love reading (murder, mystery, and mayhem!) and meeting new friends through fb or other group sites! Hope I can participate in some of the swaps on this site and make some new friends!

When my oldest son left for college in August 2009, I felt such a void in my life, then I got on fb and found the groups I was involved with - I also found fv and was addicted for awhile!!

Now my oldest graduated from college and Army ROTC in May 2013 and my youngest graduated from college in 2017! Time does fly!

I enjoy meeting new people, exchanging cards and pcs with them, as well as going to local scrap booking events and meeting new folks!

So far I have been lucky that any swaps I have signed up for, I have been able to fulfill my obligation. I would hope that would continue.

I am not into drama and will try to send stuff that I think my swap partner will enjoy - however if I miss the mark, well stuff happens! I am very easy going with what folks send me and just look forward to seeing how others respond to the different swaps!

Loves/Likes - My family, Being happy, Hearing kiddos laugh, Being with gal pals, Scrapbooking, Card making, Meeting new people, Love, love, love to read! The library is one of my favorite places!! The beach, Halloween, Christmas, Birthdays! Soccer, Taking pictures, Being able to help others, Being able to laugh at myself , A clean house (this is a dream of mine but I am a bit of a clutter bug, so...), Traveling, Vacations, Flowers, Learning new things,

Dislikes- Drama when it is not necessary, People that just need to get over themselves, Vacations that do not work out, Kids being disrespectful to their elders and each other, Car problems, Health issues, Feeling like someone has taken advantage of you or someone you care about, Housework! lol

Ratings - I am very good about trying to rate quickly, so if you sent me something and do not see a rating timely, please let me know! Either I did not get the item or it got mixed in with other stuff!! That does happen sometimes!

Flaked on the Punch Art ATC #26 - touch of Red I hosted: FibreJunky - I pmed and emailed, but have not heard from her - swap was angeled - she should not sign up for any additional swaps I host - grrrr!

Flaked on the Punch Art ATC #33-Two Twists that I hosted:Emawee0307 - I emailed her, as she has not been on swap-bot since the day she marked sent, but her partners have not received anything - swap will be angeled, and she is banned from my future swaps - dang this is getting old!

Got flaked on for the Postcards for Sonya - GingerR - how sad this was a RAK sort of swap, so...

Got flaked on the What's for Thanksgiving Dinner? PC swap by teamtiredfeet - what a drag! How hard is it to send a dang pc?? ;(

Flaked on by @Ratatatat in the My Sept 2016 - EDITED swap - this was a bummer as it was a bit time consuming as it covered a whole month - so... The host is angeling the swap with her Oct info.


I love all postcards - have a soft spot for vintage postcards but really have not met a postcard I didn't like! LOL!

I would love to receive some cute address labels and could exchange pcs for them! If you can help me out, please send me a pm!


Comment: Thank you!
Stampalia rated for CPG Ocean/Beach/Sea PC - Global on Jul 26, 2024
Comment: Thank you for the beautiful black sand beach postcard. I have been to Hawaii after I graduated high school. My aunt and uncle live on Oahu and I stayed with them for a month. It is such a beautiful place.
Comment: I laughed at the picture on the postcard of the house for sale in Ireland! That's also a place I've been wanting to visit myself!
Stampalia rated for PH: Scavenger Hunt for PCs #269 on Jul 25, 2024
Comment: Thank you for the postcards. I hope you didn't go too long without AC. Our poor AC has been running full time since June. It's been terribly hot here and August will be just as bad.
Response: Hi! Thank you for the sweet comment, rating, and heart! We were w/o from Friday-Monday, and they had us back up and running by about 3 pm on Monday. It was a rough time and I am so thankful to have the AC back! It is currently very humid here, which makes it seem hotter than it is - sigh! We were in the 80's last week with low humidity - perfect! LOL! Of course, it did not last, so... All the best! Hugs and Happy Swapping! ;)
funstuff rated for Sender's Choice - Naked Map PC #8 on Jul 24, 2024
Comment: Thank you for the map postcard. I like it has the state flower bird and map
Response: Hi! I am so glad you enjoyed the map pc! Thank you for your sweet comment, rating, and heart! All the best! Hugs and Happy Swapping! ;)
suepier rated for PH: Blind/Naked Postcard on Jul 24, 2024
Comment: Thank you for the beautiful flower postcard.
Response: Hi! I am so glad you enjoyed the flower pc! Thank you for your sweet comment, rating, and heart! All the best! Hugs and Happy Swapping! ;)
Comment: Thank you!
Response: Hi! Thank you for your nice comment, rating, and heart! All the best! Hugs and Happy Swapping! ;)
Comment: Thanks so much for your lovely postalette note! I hope that you’ve adjusted to the hubs being back to work!!
Response: Hi! Thank you for the sweet comment, joining the swap, the rating, and heart! I think by the time we adjust, he will retire (says maybe end of November or December) and we will have to adjust again! LOL! All the best! Hugs and Happy Swapping! ;)
cst8411 rated for CHWH: Notecard + Note + Quote on Jul 23, 2024
Comment: Thank you so much for the special note card! Who gives a scrap is officially on my bucket list now!
Response: Hi! I am so glad you enjoyed the note and hope you love Who Gives a Scrap as much as I do! LOL! Thank you for your sweet comment, rating, and heart! All the best! Hugs and Happy Swapping! ;)
LauraM540 rated for SMSUSA: Snail Mail Happy #10 on Jul 22, 2024
Comment: Thank you so much for the wonderful vintage postcards! Sounds like you got a really good deal on them! I appreciate you sharing some of them with me
Response: Hi! I am so glad you enjoyed the vintage pcs - I really have a soft spot for them! Thank you for your sweet comment, rating, and heart! All the best! Hugs and Happy Swapping! ;)
Comment: I’m so glad your ac is all fixed! It’s definitely the one thing I can’t do without in summers!
Response: Hi! I am with you, doing without AC during the hottest weekend of the summer really was tough! Thank you for your sweet comment, rating, and heart! All the best! Hugs and Happy Swapping! ;)
Sweetrizzo44 rated for Blind/Naked Vintage PC #3 on Jul 21, 2024
Comment: Thanks for the sweet postcard! Hope it has cooled down in your part of the US. Take care and keep on swapping...
Response: Hi! I am so glad you enjoyed the pc! Thank you for the sweet comment, rating, and heart! The weather was great over the weekend and now we are heating up again - I would love for it to stay in the low 80's and now humidity but that would not be the Midwest! LOL! All the best! Hugs and Happy Swapping! ;)
young46356 rated for PS: Scavenger Hunt Postcards #9 on Jul 21, 2024
Comment: Thanks Vicky, sorry to hear about your a/c trouble. Rich
Response: Hi Rich! Thank you for the nice comment, rating, and heart! I apologize for being so whiney - yes, we had a/c issues but at least we still had power and other options. Not like so many that are suffering through the terrible heat, still! All the best and Happy Swapping! ;)
Comment: Thanks Vicky
Response: Hi Rich! Thank you for the nice comment, rating, and heart! All the best and Happy Swapping! ;)
marinda rated for NYC Postcard on Jul 20, 2024
Comment: What a great postcard of the Statue of Liberty! Thank you so much.
Response: Hi! I am so glad you enjoyed the pc! Thank you for the sweet comment, rating, and heart! All the best! Hugs and Happy Swapping! ;)
quaisoir rated for WIYM: NAKED FLOWER POSTCARD #2 on Jul 20, 2024
Comment: Thanks for the beautiful tulip postcard.😊
Response: Hi! I am so glad you enjoyed the pc! Thank you for the sweet comment, rating, and heart! All the best! Hugs and Happy Swapping! ;)
di53 rated for Postcards With a Prompt #288- US Only on Jul 20, 2024
Comment: Thank you for the gorgeous Maui postcard. I'm with you on that $500. Vacation!
Response: Hi! I am so glad you enjoyed the pc! Thank you for the sweet comment, rating, and heart! Yes to vacation! All the best! Hugs and Happy Swapping! ;)
Comment: Thank you so much for the amazing London postcard! I would LOVE to visit England one day, and that's on my destination wish list (places I would love to visit). I hope you're enjoying your vacation in Colorado! Happy summer!
Response: Hi! I am so glad you enjoyed the pc! Thank you for the sweet comment, rating, and heart! I hope you make it to England! Our vacation in CO was wonderful! All the best! Hugs and Happy Swapping! ;)
Comment: Thank you for the nice note and beautiful postcards! Sounds like a great trip.
Response: Hi! Thank you for your sweet comment, rating, and heart! It was! All the best! Hugs and Happy Swapping! ;)
Ruthless rated for NATIONAL PARK Postcard on Jul 18, 2024
Comment: Thank you for the great postcard. Retirement and travel sound amazing. I’m trying to retire in 4 years….. dreaming of travel and no alarm clock!
Response: Hi Ruth! Wishing you all the best for your retirement in four years! Hard to believe I will be retired two years at the end of September, now if my hubby and bestie would get on board and retire already! LOL! Thank you for your sweet comment, rating, and heart! All the best! Hugs and Happy Swapping! ;)

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
5.0000 6009 291 304
Completed Fives Threes Ones
5587 7208 0 0
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
283 4094 1210 0
View all


UKrebel85 on Apr 14, 2024:

Hello, apologies for waiting until last day of the swap. Have been so busy with exams and revision. Here are my answers for LLU: Happy Library Week. Take care, Shel (UKrebel85)

1) The opening hours used to be very minimal but they have now got self check out machines so the library can be open even when it is not manned. It has made such a difference.

2) The staff are lovely, if the book you are looking for is not there they can order it from another library in our council area (our council covers 2,667 sq. miles – we are quite rural!) and it can be there within 2 weeks.

3) The kids section is lovely, comfy and safe so my daughter can sit there and look at books while I go and find something for myself.

4) Our view, our town is right next to the water and the library relocated to a new building that houses the gym and a hall where concerts etc, are held (I’m actually getting married in that hall which is right next to the library, maybe get some photos in there!) The library has windows everywhere, it is really light and airy as well.

5) There is always a jigsaw on the go near one of the big windows that you can do a wee bit of when you are in!

yvonne401 on Nov 6, 2023:

Welcome to Cold Hands Warm Hearts! It's great to have you here!



jay9 on Sep 28, 2023:

Hi Vicky's, i got a finished Art Collab postcard in today's mail. Thank you for your contribution 🙂it's a lovely card and mailbox surprise.

OrigamiGrace on Sep 8, 2023:


from CPG!

CraftyMommaonaBUDGET on Jun 21, 2023:

CraftyMommaonaBUDGET on May 14, 2023:

ultracinematik on May 8, 2023:

Thank you for the fun floral handmade card and the floral postage stamps. I really appreciate it!

simcoe54 on Jan 30, 2023:

Hope you have a Happy Birthday!

Heirloom on Dec 31, 2022:

Happy New Year from USA Happy Mail

Mimi7 on Nov 8, 2022:

Yes they did come with a label saying from you and Mgm and dolly

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