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Page 7 of bluecrayons's Comments

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catlingmex on Feb 1, 2023:

Lino print of a dancing groundhog that I made awhile back

dancing groundhog

catlingmex on Feb 1, 2023:

I saw a live groundhog a few years ago and wanted to take a photo, but it ran away from me :( Only got a shot of him in his hole. peeking groundhog

kayebubbly on Feb 1, 2023:

Lovelykarina on Feb 1, 2023:

yvonne401 on Nov 19, 2022:

APDG ~ Fall and Thanksgiving Foods - 11/24

Wishing you a yummy Thanksgiving!



yvonne401 on Nov 19, 2022:

APDG ~ Thanksgiving - 11/24

Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving!



yvonne401 on Nov 17, 2022:

APDG~Disney Character Series #10-Pocahontas-Nov.

Chipmunks info

They are just so adorable!



yvonne401 on Nov 17, 2022:

APDG~Disney Character Series #10-Pocahontas-Nov.

She is so cool!



mysmashbooklife on Nov 16, 2022:

APDG~Disney Character Series #10-Pocahontas-Nov.

Pocahontas is my favorite!

Halloween Halloween Halloween

mysmashbooklife on Nov 16, 2022:

APDG ~ Animal Series #10 - Chipmunks - November

I love these animals!

Halloween Halloween Halloween

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