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sweetdarkfairy on Jan 18, 2009:

Thanks for the offer to do a private swap for coloring books! FYI... if you are wanting to get back into crocheting... I have the perfect book for you. I used to know how, my mom showed me but I stopped doing it so long that I forgot. This book is GREAT and shows you how to do every kind of stitch. Its a good beginner book.Its called "Amigurumi world: seriously cute crochet" by Ana Paula Rimoli. You can learn how to make basic amigurumi and I have an easter ami swap coming up in March! Feel free to sign up! :)

ShawnaJ on Jan 17, 2009:

Hi Heather! Got my Tag..I collect package yesterday. Thanks for an awesome package! I LOVE what you sent and will get much use out of all of it! (until I run out that is..lol)..Thanks again!!

ShawnaJ on Jan 17, 2009:

Hi Heather! Got my Tag..I collect package yesterday. Thanks for an awesome package! I LOVE what you sent and will get much use out of all of it! (until I run out that is..lol)..Thanks again!!

kthanxbye on Jan 15, 2009:

thank you very much for the goodies:) i love them all:)

Hell0Z0mbie on Jan 14, 2009:

Got my tag package today! thanks much!

nadithings on Dec 31, 2008:


xoxoxo NADI ^_^

raven on Dec 24, 2008:

new year It's never to early to start wishing you have a Happy New Year ..form Raven and the Monthly ATC Swappers group

raven on Dec 24, 2008:


Thank you for joining the Monthly ATC Swappers Group..

nadithings on Dec 19, 2008:

hi i have created a new Cupcake love group! Please Join!


Upcountrysmiles on Dec 8, 2008:

Aloha Heather! Read through your 100 things about Me (you) and believe it or not we share 33% of the same things. #11(was in student council but not the pres though) #12 I was in the homecoming court. #14,15,20,21,24, 35,37,39,42,43,47,50,51,58,60,61,62,63,64,67,70,73,74(got married this year)75,79,81,82,95,100! You repeated #49..on #83..hehehe! You see...I read everything & observant as well:) Thought I'd share this with you! Aloha, Cindy

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